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Thought and Application of Meta Theory in the Discipline of International Relations: An example of Morgenthau's and Waltz's Realism Theory Version
作者 徐子軒
對於後設理論的陌生,是國際關係學界普遍的情形,而對於後設理論的誤解,則影響了國關理論的進步。為了改善這些問題,本文將先對於傳統的科學哲學進行系統性的分析與批判,繼而引介一個嶄新的科學哲學:理論版本,並做為國際關係理論的判准。不同於拉卡托斯(Imre Lakatos)式的研究綱領,理論版本不認為有所謂的硬核(hard core)存在,它比較偏向於孔恩(Thomas Kuhn)式的典範(paradigm),卻進一步的避免了相對主義,其探討的科學現象在於理論和理論之間的變遷與繼承,以及理論家族之間的競爭。由此觀之,古典現實主義與新現實主義代表著兩個不同的理論版本,從通則到方法論,兩者都具有殊異的特徵;此外,新現實主義吸引了研究社群的投入,成為新一代的原型版本,也顯示了兩者分屬於不同的理論家族,並非是在現實主義架構下的典範轉移。
It's a common situation to be unfamiliar with meta-theory in the discipline of International Relations. Also, to misunderstand meta-theory is also influenced the progress of the IR theory. To correct these defects, this paper, first, will analyze and criticize the traditional philosophy of science systematically. Then, this study intends to introduce a new philosophy called Theory Version as the criterion of IR theory. Unlike Lakatosian research programs, the Theory Version denies the existence of the ''hard core''. It prefers Kuhnian paradigm but avoids the relativism. The Theory Version aims to explain not only the change and succession between theory and theory but the competition among theory families. According to this, the theory version of classical realism is not the same as the one of neorealism. From the principle to methodology, they have different characteristics. Neorealism becomes a new prototypical version and thus attracts the research community to follow; moreover, it belongs to the theory family not like classical realism's. Briefly, neorealism's rising is not so-called paradigm shift under the framework of realism.
起訖頁 159-194
關鍵詞 後設理論科學哲學理論版本古典現實主義新現實主義meta-theoryphilosophy of scienceTheory VersionClassical realismNeorealism
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 201207 (34期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 由南海衝突情勢論海洋軍事使用之規範模式與限度
該期刊-下一篇 貿易與國際政治關係:兼論海峽兩岸經濟架構協議(ECFA)對台海關係的啟示




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