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The Limits and Opportunities for the Development of Russian-Taiwanese Economic Relations
作者 顏建發
The econom1c relations between Taiwan and Russia have been structurally constrained by both political and non-political barriers. Beijing's ''one China principle'' is one of the most dominant factors which limit Russo-Taiwanese developments. Nevertheless, both Taiwanese businesspeople and Taiwanese government have made some breakthroughs and achievements. There have seen positive developments m Russo-Taiwanese economic exchanges. The prospects of Russo-Taiwanese economic relations will more or less rely on the development of a broader landscape: An ambitious Asian dream made by Russian leaders owing to the strong economic desire innate in Russia's Far Eastern policy, along with vibrant Asian economic developments. Under these circumstances, Russo-Taiwanese economic relations will gain benefits accordingly. Structural limits are already out there; but subjective efforts may expand the limited space as large as possible even though the given barriers will not disappear in a sudden, or they may last forever. To put the primacy on economy, the approach seeing an uprising fusion of triangular economic exchanges among Taiwan, Russia, and China, may be a realistic and pragmatic option to reduce or minimize Beijing's political weights during the dynamic process.
起訖頁 47-80
關鍵詞 台商在俄投資台俄經貿關係一中原則俄國的遠東政策台俄中三角經貿關係Taiwanese Businesses in RussiaRusso-Taiwanese Economic RelationsOne China PrincipleRussia's Far Eastern PolicyEconomic Exchanges among TaiwanRussiaChina
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 201101 (31期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 區域研究與國際關係──祝賀國立政治大學外交學系八十年系慶
該期刊-下一篇 台灣洽簽FTA的亞太經濟戰略:區域架構角色的觀點




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