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太平洋區域整合現況與挑戰:從太平洋島國推動「太平洋計畫」(the Pacific Plan)角度觀之
The Current Situations and Challenges of Regional Integration in the Pacific: Reviewing the Regional Program ''the Pacific Plan''
作者 林廷輝
2005年第36屆「太平洋島國論壇」(Pacific Islands Forum, PIF)巴布亞紐幾內亞高峰會議通過由紐西蘭協助擬定之「太平洋計畫」,揭櫫「經濟成長」、「永續發展」,「善治」及「安全」等四大目標,同時通過「卡里波波路線圖」(Kalibobo Roadmap),設定2005-2008年為第一階段,以有效落實「太平洋計畫」內容,成為太平洋島國未來10年推動加強太平洋區域合作之重要計畫,與會國家認為是「太平洋夥伴關係的新紀元」(new era for Pacific Partnership)。太平洋島國多屬「小國寡民」類型之發展中國家或低度發展國家,在全球化下,島國亦興起「區域主義」(regionalism)整合潮流,「太平洋計畫」可說是島國在此認知下之產物,然宥於經濟發展、交通與貿易限制等,太平洋區域無法順利且有效地向區域整合道路邁進,主導「太平洋計畫」之區域組織「太平洋島國論壇」在合作過程中能否獲得充分授權,扮演積極協調角色?甚至主導區域整合?在執行「太平洋計畫」仍需依靠外援方能達到目標之情況下,太平洋區域整合所面對之困境相當嚴峻。本文旨藉由太平洋島國推動「太平洋計畫」內容,檢視區域主義在太平洋區域整合之現況、發展與挑戰。
The Pacific Plan and the Kalibobo Roadmap have been adopted in 2005 (the 36th Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Summit) as the most important programs in the Pacific to strengthen regional cooperation. The four pillars, including economic growth, sustainable development, good governance and security, are the core aims of this plan, which are considered ''the new era for Pacific Partnership''. Most of the Pacific Islands are small and remote. Following the globalization trend, the regionalism also appears in the Pacific. Due to the limitation of the economic development, inconvenient traffic conditions and trade limitation, etc., the Pacific region cannot be integrated as European Union model. What does the role of the PIF Secretariat play during the process of the regional integration? In order to implement the Pacific Plan, foreign assistances are necessary. There are still many challenges and problems in the future. This article argues for the current situation, the challenges and the development of the regional integration in the Pacific by reviewing the contents of the Pacific Plan.
起訖頁 41-115
關鍵詞 區域主義多邊主義區域合作與整合太平洋島國論壇太平洋計畫RegionalismMultilateralismRegional Cooperation and IntegrationPacific Islands Forumthe Pacific Plan
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 200901 (27期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 國際關係的轉變與研究:從封建王國到全球化時代
該期刊-下一篇 聯合國與建立和平:以獅子山共和國為例




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