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The Study of International Relations and NGOs
作者 姜家雄蔡育岱
自1980年代以來,經濟全球化、通訊技術的革命發展,加上非傳統安全議題的興起,引起國際關係學者對「非政府組織」(Non-Governmental Organizations, NGOs)在理論研究與實務操作上進一步的關注。面對全球性或跨國性問題,除了國家之間的合縱連橫外,國家必須與「非政府組織」合作,共商探討解決之道。緣此,對於「非政府組織」與國際關係之研究,實乃刻不容緩之議題,然礙於研究NGOs之議題尚屬萌芽階段,並無一套有系統之理論論述,學者在文獻理路也莫衷一是。爰本文透過幾個面向來探究NGOs與國際關係,首先為界定NGOs之概念,接著介紹目前國際關係對於NGOs所側重的研究領域,並從國際關係理論對NGOs的詮釋,分析NGOs對國際關係的影響。希望透過研究文獻闡述與彙整,提供在「非政府組織」研究歷程上的參考。
NGOs have arrived at International Relations. Since the 1980s economic globalization, revolution in information technologies, and the emergence of non-traditional security issues, among others, have led both researchers and practitioners of international relations to closely examine the role of NGOs. The fact of matter is very simple. In dealing with international problems of increasingly global or transnational in nature, the states have to seek the assistance of NGOs, in addition to the cooperation from other states. The study of NGOs in international relations is still at its developing stage. This article provides a survey of state of research on NGOs in international relations. Four specific issues will be examined: the concept of NGOs, international relations theory and NGOs, major research topics in NGOs studies, and the implications of NGOs for international relations. Our study reveals that the lack of scholarly interests and the inattention to theoretical framework have defined and circumscribed NGOs research in the field of international relations. To fully incorporate NGOs into international relations research agenda will be not only necessary but also very rewarding.
起訖頁 115-144
關鍵詞 國際關係國際關係理論非政府組織國際非政府組織非國家行為者IRIR TheoryNGOsINGOsNSAs
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 200707 (24期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 從雁行發展到經濟分工:從台日經濟合作看東亞經濟分工模式的轉變
該期刊-下一篇 從俄羅斯與歐洲國家經貿關係論俄國對外政策之現實性




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