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The Study on Incorporating Cultural Rights into Constitution Base on Cultural Constitution: An Example of Interpretation No. 813
作者 許育典葉怡欣
Recently, there have been calls for promoting the incorporation of cultural rights into the constitution. It hopes that by implementing in the constitution the rights to participate in cultural life and access to culture and art, artistic freedom and language rights, the spirit of culture can be covered in legislation and administration, and cultural practices can be concretely implemented. Article 25 of the Basic Law aims to protect people’s cultural rights and promote the sustainable development of culture. To explore this issue, this paper takes the spirit of cultural constitution as the cornerstone, and deeply analyzes the concept of cultural fundamental rights, and concludes that in order to achieve the goal of enabling people to pursue self-realization, cultural fundamental rights are based on their subjective and objective legal functions, which constitute our country together. The cultural constitution guarantees the foundation of the people. Taking this as a starting point, it is necessary to spread the cultural spirit to legislation and administration, covering cultural governance and cultural administration, and it is necessary for cultural rights to be incorporated into the constitution. Although Interpretation No. 813 protects the property rights of the people and creates a precedent that the registration of historic buildings should be compensated accordingly, it did not mention the protection of the people’s cultural rights. If cultural rights are incorporated into the Constitution, this case will not only have a declarative role, and enhance the society’s overall awareness of the concern and preservation of cultural assets; in essence, it will also enable people to have a clearer basis for claiming in the process of preserving cultural assets. Their own rights are no longer just passively waiting for the state to protect them. Thus, only by truly protecting the basic cultural rights of the people, promoting their cognition and feeling of the Constitution, and consolidating cultural identity, can the goal of a culture state of cultural sustainability be realized.
起訖頁 31-59
關鍵詞 文化權利文化憲法釋字第八一三號解釋文化資產保存文化國Cultural RightsCultural ConstitutionInterpretation No. 813Cultural HeritageCulture State
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202209 (5:2期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-上一篇 兩岸非機構仲裁制度變革研究
該期刊-下一篇 地方金融監管法律制度之研究




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