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AI and Financial Inclusion: On the Financial Consumer Protection Topics When Applying AI to Credit Scoring
作者 廖淑君
人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)於信用評分之應用除有助於金融機構降低其營運風險,亦有機會使曾被排除在金融服務外的金融消費者可以借款。然而,前揭應用可能會缺乏可解釋性或透明性。參考美國與英國之立法例,並考量於人工智慧於徵信/授信應用所能帶來的效益與可能引發的風險、金融機構創新需求與法令遵循之成本、我國人工智慧或演算法於信用評分之應用情況、以及兼顧金融消費者保護之目的,著眼於風險預防的精神,就短期而言,建議主管機關或可考量以行政指導之方式,促成金融機構建立事後程序性的消費者保護機制與踐行告知義務,包括:金融機構如做出拒絕貸款或增貸等不利於消費者之決策,應通知消費者此一決策,以及應告知金融消費者有關於人工智慧系統之應用。同時,考量適當地調整其依金融消費者保護法第24 條授權所為之公告,以使金融消費者針對自動化作成之信用評分與授信決策,可依金融消費者保護法向金融機構提出申訴,如申訴不成,則可以向評議機構申請評議。就長期而言,如有發生市場失靈之情形,導致偏差、歧視、不公平或其他爭議情形發生時,宜考量以強制性的法律,要求金融機構應提高人工智慧於徵信與授信業務應用之透明性與可解釋性,並透過正當程序之建立,保護金融消費者之權益。
Applying Artificial intelligence (AI) on credit score not only contributes to operation risk of a financial institution, but make those who could not access financial services to procure loan. Such kind of application may have its dark side, including the lack of explanation and transparency. Referring to the laws in America and the UK, this paper discusses the utility resulting from applying AI to credit scoring, popularity of such application, as well as financial consumer protection from the perspective of risk precautions. In the short run, the competent authority may consider issuing a guideline to help financial institutions form ex-post procedure to protect consumers and inform customers, including notifying customers when rejecting the loan application, and informing customers on the application of AI. Meanwhile, the said authority may also reevaluate the scope of disputable consumer complaints under Article 24 of Financial Consumer Protection Act so that a financial consumer could file a complaint to the dispute resolution institution. In the long term, should the market failure occur and cause discrimination, bias, unfair or other disputes, the concerned authority might enact a new act to demand financial institutions to make the AI-enabled credit scoring more transparent and explicable, as well as protect the customer’s rights through the establishment of due process.
起訖頁 115-150
關鍵詞 人工智慧信用評分自動化個人決策作成與側寫普惠金融Artificial IntelligenceCredit ScoringAutomated Individual Decision-MakingFinancial Inclusion
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202203 (5:1期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-上一篇 從歐盟CBAM之提出談我國永續發展之推動──以邊境碳調整措施之探討為核心




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