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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Ideological Congruence, Perceived Accountability, and Satisfaction with Democracy: Case Studies of Australia and New Zealand |
作者 |
Chia-hung Tsai (Chia-hung Tsai)、Alexander Tan (Alexander Tan) |
中文摘要 |
近年來出現相當多的跨國研究探討民眾與政黨的意識形態一致性,並且指出民眾的意識形態如果接近執政黨,他們對民主的滿意程度比較高。本研究延伸這些理論到澳洲以及紐西蘭的民主。在估計包含意識形態一致程度、課責感等各種社會心理因素對於民主滿意度的作用時,我們特別凸顯意識形態一致程度的重要性,同時發現課責比意識形態一致性的作用更大,而且課責感在澳洲以及紐西蘭的影響都比意識形態一致程度來得大。我們的實證證據確認了有關意識形態一致程度的作用,但是並沒有找到意識形態一致程度在強調代表的政治體系特別有影響。這個發現說明雖然澳洲與紐西蘭分別採用多數決與比例代表制,但是有可能產生意識形態靠向中間位置的政府,使得多數民眾都感受到政府可以代表其價值,而是以人民是否可以控制政府來決定是否滿意現在的民主。 |
英文摘要 |
A growing body of cross-national studies has examined the ideological congruence between citizens and political parties and found that those citizens whose is ideology close to the winning party tend to be satisfied with democracy in their country. We extend the causal story of ideological congruence and satisfaction with democracy to Australia and New Zealand. As we estimate the effects of various socio-psychological factors on citizen satisfaction, we highlight the effect of perceived accountability and ideological congruence. We find that both factors contribute to satisfaction with democracy in New Zealand and Australia. Our empirical evidence not only confirms the extant literature but also suggests that perceived accountability has a larger influence in both democracies that use different election systems. This result has to do with the possibility that majoritarianism and proportional representation may produce coalition governments that locate ideology at the median voter. Therefore, democratic satisfaction primarily depends on if the government being controlled by its citizens. |
起訖頁 |
1-34 |
關鍵詞 |
意識形態一致程度、課責感、民主滿意度、多數決、比例代表制、ideological congruence、perceived accountability、satisfaction with democracy、majoritarian、proportional system |
刊名 |
選舉研究 |
期數 |
202211 (29:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
負面黨性與投票抉擇:2004-2020年臺灣總統選舉的分析 |