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A Demographic Analysis of Eligible Population and Voter Population under Different Sampling Frames: The Case of the 2016 Presidential Election Survey
作者 莊文忠 (Wen-Jong Juang)林美榕洪永泰
The controversy over the authenticity of election polls or the representativeness of samples is the definition of “population” in election polls. Since voter turnout is not absolute, there is a difference between “eligible population” and “voter population”. Therefore, the demographic consistency between eligible population and voter population with different sample frames in election polls is a topic that has become crucial in survey methodology. The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) exploring the error of population coverage through reviewing the evolution of different sampling frames used in election polls in Taiwan; (2) clarifying the implication of eligible population and voter population in election studies and analyzing the 2016 presidential election campaign in Taiwan; (3) analyzing the difference of the polls conducted by TEDS for the 2016 presidential election by using different sample frames, and examining the effect of the weighting adjustment by population parameters, and exploring its theoretical and practical implications. This study found that there was a minor difference between the eligible population and the voter population in the 2016 presidential election in Taiwan. However, the polls from different sampling frames were not completely consistent with the polls from these two populations. The correction effect of the weighting adjustment by the different population parameter on voter turnout, vote gain, and encouraging voter participation is limited. Therefore, to resolve the gap between the poll results and the voting results, the definition of the population might not be critical. The selection of sample frames, the design of questionnaires, the improvement of interview skills, and the reduction of interview failures are more important factors.
起訖頁 69-117
關鍵詞 選民母體投票母體抽樣底冊戶籍抽樣地址抽樣eligible populationvoter populationsampling frameregister-based samplingaddress-based sampling
刊名 選舉研究  
期數 202205 (29:1期)
出版單位 政大出版社;國立政治大學選舉研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 固樁或擴張?市議員地方建設建議事項的運用策略




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