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Comparisons of Estimation Efficiencies among Various Dual-frame Telephone Survey Weighting Procedures: A Study of Pre-election Polls
作者 洪永泰
This study looks into issues evolving from dual-frame telephone surveys carried out in Taiwan. Some issues have been resolved, while others are still being explored. Directions of future studies are also suggested. This study employs indicators of election prediction errors to evaluate the effectiveness and pros and cons of various estimation procedures for combining data sets collected from dual-frame telephone surveys. There are basically three types of combining dual-frame survey data, namely, all landline survey data plus those of cell-phone only; all cell-phone survey data plus those of landline only, and combing both sets of data according to their coverage proportions in the population. This study shows that the landline phone survey samples differ systematically from the cell-phone survey samples in many demographical characteristics. Using a total predicting error indicator to compare the results of various estimation procedures in three election results, namely, the 2016 presidential election, the 2018 referendum on the same-sex marriage law, and the 2020 presidential election, this study finds the following: (1) The original data collected from the landline survey fares the best. (2) Adjusting data by applying weights derived from government household registration data enlarges the prediction errors for the land-line phone survey but performs slightly better for the cell-phone survey. (3) Due to selection bias from cell-phone survey samples, the prediction errors tend to be further away from the true election results. The damage done does not redeem its good intention for correcting the coverage shortcomings caused by the traditional landline phone survey. The study also suggests several issues to be explored in future studies: (1) Investigate further the characteristics of using both landline and cell-phone samples for landline and cell-phone surveys. (2) Investigate the mode effects on landline and cell-phone surveys. (3) Investigate the performance of dual-frame telephone surveys in areas other than electoral studies.
起訖頁 95-125
關鍵詞 涵蓋率唯手機族雙底冊電話調查事後分層組合估計選舉預測選樣偏誤Coverage ratecell-phone onlydual-frame telephone surveypost-stratified estimating procedureselection biaselection forecasting
刊名 選舉研究  
期數 202111 (28:2期)
出版單位 政大出版社;國立政治大學選舉研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 韓國瑜民粹論述對2018年高雄市長選舉的影響




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