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Politics of Foreign Aid: Japan, South Korea and China’s Chasing for Cambodia, 2010-2020
作者 林文斌
Cambodia is a country that was independent of France in 1953 then went through almost 20 years of chaos: Lon Nol’s coup, Khmer Rouge, and Vietnam’s occupation. The Cambodian opposing parties finally agreed to sign the Paris Accord in 1991 after a long negotiation under the United Nations’involvement. Following the constitutional general election in 1993, Cambodia established the government of the Royal Kingdom and started a stable development. Although internal chaos almost destroyed infrastructures and human resources, the yearly economic growth of Cambodia after 2010 is about 7%, over the average growth rate of the ASEAN. Behind this impressive development is tremendous official development assistance (ODA) from China, Japan, and South Korea. This article compares and analyzes their policy and diplomacy goals and methods and argues that there is always politics behind the Donor’s ODA. However, Cambodia always got more ODA by taking advantage of the donor’s political and diplomatic considerations.
起訖頁 5-48
關鍵詞 柬埔寨中國日本韓國援助CambodiaJapanSouth KoreaChinaForeign Aids
刊名 臺灣東南亞學刊  
期數 202210 (17:2期)
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學東南亞研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 編輯室報告
該期刊-下一篇 南國夢:馬來西亞吉隆坡之台灣人才的空間流動與資本積累




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