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Lessons from Requirements on Sustainability Disclosure in Financial Service Sector in EU on the Development of Sustainable Finance in Taiwan
作者 廖淑君
In recent years, climate change and environmental sustainability issues have drawn considerable attention. It becomes an important subject on how the government can facilitate the realization of sustainable development goals via sustainable finance. It contributes to the development of sustainable financial market to standardize the definition, scope and content of sustainable financial products or services as well as related disclosure requirements. This paper employs a comparative study on sustainability disclosure regulations in financial service sector between the EU and Taiwan by collecting, comparing and analyzing their regulations or measures taken. Influences thereupon by sustainable finance disclosure and taxonomy regulations as recently passed by the EU authority are still under further discussion and observation. Therefore, this paper suggests to maintain the existing regulatory approach to facilitate the sustainable information disclosure in Taiwan, and at the meantime can take the following actions in the near future, including: (1) standardizing definition, scope and content of sustainable development and sustainable investment, especially developing criteria on environmental sustainable economic activities and environmental sustainable investment in order to contribute to the realization of national environmental policies and to help Taiwan enterprises to go global markets, (2) in the event that the criteria on environmental sustainable economic activities and environmental sustainable investment is defined, requiring the listed companies to disclose its environmental sustainable economic activities to reduce the information search cost of investors and to direct companies to devote themselves to environmental sustainable economic activities and (3) classifying financial products into light green, dark green and non-green financial products, establishing and differentiating sustainable information disclosure requirements respectively in order to guide domestic industries to transit into a sustainable development ecosystems.
起訖頁 83-122
關鍵詞 環境永續永續金融永續金融揭露規則永續金融分類規則Environmental SustainabilitySustainable FinanceSustainable Finance Disclosure RegulationSustainable Finance Taxonomy Regulation
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202108 (4:2期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-上一篇 虛擬貨幣相關網路犯罪及其訴追與預防──以德國法為例




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