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A Legal Study of the Lottery’s Digital Transformation
作者 劉邦繡楊素詔
臺灣公益彩券的發行沿革追溯至一九九三年財政部研究提出「公益彩券之決策評估報告」,同時擬具「公益彩券發行條例草案」經行政院決議同意恢復公益彩券之發行,並由中央立法予以管理並提報立法院審議,「公益彩券發行條例草案」訂定為健全公益彩券之發行及管理,結合官方博弈政策、輔導弱勢就業以及籌措社會福利財源等三項要點訂立之。 「公益彩券發行條例」於一九九五年六月十六日經立法院三讀通過,一九九九年財政部指定臺灣銀行擔任第一屆公益彩券發行機構迄今業已發行第二十二年,共歷經四次修法,就銷售通路部分,公益彩券發行條例第8 條規定:公益彩券經銷商之遴選,應以具工作能力之身心障礙者、原住民及低收入單親家庭為優先;經銷商僱用五人以上者,應至少進用具有工作能力之身心障礙者、原住民及低收入單親家庭一人。又財政部徵求本國銀行擔任公益彩券發行機構公告限定發行機構不得直接銷售彩券並限定身心障礙者、原住民及低收入單親家庭擔任經銷商,致現行臺灣公益彩券銷售通路以弱勢族群實體通路銷售為唯一通路。 國際彩券發行依據各國法令及監督機構授權之差異,於公益彩券銷售通路又區分為純實體通路經營、虛實通路整合經營以及開放全虛擬網際網路(線上)投注等不同銷售通路經營,近年來,因資訊科技進步、網路應用普及、全球網路銷售平臺蓬勃發展與物流業效率提升,使得傳統實體銷售通路之消費人潮逐步下降,導致如臺灣公益彩券以純實體銷售為通路經營之產業面臨巨大挑戰。本文試析論北美洲、歐洲、亞洲之公益彩券發行機構面臨數位化轉型變革之成功經驗來思考本國公益彩券如何增加通路經營之核心競爭力。結論提出可供本國公益彩券數位轉型之機會與經營建議方案並提出修訂相關管理制度及修法之建議。
The history the issuance of Taiwan public welfare lottery can be traced back to 1993 when the Ministry of Finance studied and put forward the “Evaluation Report on the Decision of Public Welfare Lottery” and drafted the “Draft of Public Welfare Lottery Issue Act”, which was approved by the Executive Yuan to resume the issuance of public welfare lottery, and was managed by the central legislation and submitted to the Legislative Yuan for deliberation. The “Draft of Public Welfare Lottery Issue Act” provides for the improvement of the issuance and management of public welfare lottery, combined with the official game policy, the guidance for the disadvantaged groups’ employment and raising financial resources for social welfare. On June 16th, 1995, the “Public Welfare Lottery Issue Act” was passed by the Legislative Yuan. In 1999, the Ministry of Finance appointed the Bank of Taiwan as the first public welfare lottery issuer. So far, the Act has been issued for 22 years, with only four minor amendments made. In addition, the only sales channel of lottery tickets for public welfare has been the physical channel for disadvantaged groups since 1995. In recent years, due to the progress of information technology, the popularity of Internet applications, the vigorous development of global online sales platforms, and the improvement of logistics efficiency, the number of consumers in traditional physical sales channels has gradually declined. As a result, the industries such as Taiwan’s public lottery which operate through complete physical sales channels are facing great challenges. This paper analyzes the successful experience of the public lottery issuers in North America, Europe, and Asia in the face of digital transformation, and considers how to increase the core competitiveness of sales channel operation of public lottery in its own country. The conclusion tries to provide the opportunities and operation proposals for the digital transformation of public lottery tickets in Taiwan, and proposes to revise the relevant management system and law.
起訖頁 37-55
關鍵詞 公益彩券數位化公益彩券發行條例博弈銷售通路LotteryDigitalDigital TransformationPublic Welfare Lottery Issue ActGamblingSales Channels
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202108 (4:2期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-上一篇 由平等原則論稅捐稽徵法第23條,徵收期間延長的合憲性
該期刊-下一篇 虛擬貨幣相關網路犯罪及其訴追與預防──以德國法為例




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