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The Use of Technology in the Competition between Virtual and Real Subjects: Business, Risk and Monitoring of New Digital Banks
作者 王志誠 (Chih-Cheng Wang)
隨著普惠金融及新興金融科技之發展,不僅促使監理機關調整監理思維,亦帶來若干典範移轉。基本上,促成主管機關監理思維之典範移轉,進而放寬或開放新種金融業務或交易及經營模式,其重要力量應屬金融科技之推陳出新。我國金融監督管理委員會近五年來即為因應金融科技發展,進行諸多法規鬆綁,並調整金融監管之策略。 本文除介紹新型數位銀行之概念、發展過程及業務特色外,並嘗試從個人金融市場(零售市場)及企業金融市場(批發市場)分析新型數位銀行運用金融科技之趨勢及業務狀況。其次,說明新型數位銀行之風險及監控。最後,提出本文之結論及建議。
With the development of inclusive finance and emerging financial technology, not only has the supervisory authority adjusted its supervisory thinking, it has also brought about a number of paradigm shifts. Basically, to promote the model transfer of supervisory thinking by the competent authority, and to relax or open up new types of financial businesses, financial transactions and business models, its important force should be the innovation of financial technology. In the past five years, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has been in response to the development of financial technology to deregulate many regulations and adjust financial supervision strategies. In addition to introducing the concept, development process and business characteristics of the new digital bank, this article attempts to analyze the trend and business conditions of the new digital bank using financial technology from the personal financial market (retail market) and corporate financial market (wholesale market). Second, this article will explain the risks and monitoring of the new digital bank. Finally, a concise conclusion with suggestions is made.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 新型數位銀行網路銀行行動銀行數位銀行純網路銀行New Digital BankOnline BankMobile BankDigital BankInternet only Bank
刊名 臺灣科技法學叢刊  
期數 202012 (1期)
出版單位 財團法人資訊工業策進會科技法律研究所
該期刊-下一篇 越南植物品種權法制規範與實務分析




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