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台灣教育研究期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Current Situation and Prospect of Teacher Education and License System in Japan
作者 梁忠銘 (Chung-Ming Liang)
Through literature review and analyses, this study clarified the current situation of teacher education in Japan and the key points of the teacher education policy reform, the types of teacher education course, teachers' qualifications, and the employment of teachers. It proposed a conclusion and suggestions for teacher education policies and measures to enhance teacher quality in Japan. According to the research findings, in Japan, the direction of teacher education policies has significantly evolved in recent years. Reinforcement of teacher quality includes the following: teachers should participate in the certification workshop; the practice of teachers' examinations, improvement of new teachers' study system, and the consistency between teacher education methods and studies. In addition, in recent years, the demand for the number of teachers increases while those who participate in teacher examinations reduce year by year. The admission rate reduces year by year, whereas the acceptance rate increases. Nevertheless, the number of students participating in teacher education is reducing. Thus, it is suggested to loosen the regulations of teacher education institutions, increase the channels of teacher education, increase the acquisition channels of teacher's certificates, actively encourage people who are not new graduates to participate in the courses of teacher education, implement the provisional teacher's certificate system, introduce managers with social experience to join in the operation and management of schools, allow more students and people who are not new graduates to be teachers, and improve teachers' workplace and salaries. Specific planning of teacher education and the reform of advanced study policy will also upgrade the quality of the current and future teachers.
起訖頁 347-368
關鍵詞 師資培育教師證照教師素質日本教育teacher educationteacher licenseteacher qualityJapanese education
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202211 (3:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 運用網絡協力思維推動課程輔導工作之策略:地方輔導團課程領導人的觀點




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