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An Exploratory Study on Affable Environment for Elderly Employment in Taiwan from an Empowerment Perspective
作者 劉以慧林毓芳邱釩雲
As part of its preparations for the upcoming super-aged society, Taiwan promulgated the Middle-aged and Elderly Employment Promotion Act in 2019, dedicating a chapter to explicitly prohibit age discrimination. There are lot of literature works and official data on the extensive age discrimination and elderly employment, highlighting regulations for elderly employment and discriminative workplace attitudes. However, the affable environment necessary for elderly employment from an empowerment perspective has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, this study aims to examine the experience of and needs for elderly employment from an empowerment perspective while dealing with the issue of age discrimination. The study used in-depth interviews as the research method. The following conclusions were drawn in the context of the current employment situation, needs of elderly in Taiwan, effects of age discrimination on elderly employment, and support for elderly employment from the empowerment perspective. First, the employment needs of elderlies cover the economic, social, and psychological aspects. An elderly person opts to continue working because of the following reasons: breadwinner of the family, financial shocks, lack of financial planning, interest in a more diversified retirement life, and to find new purposes in life beyond the traditional retirement age. Second, the effects of age discrimination at the workplace are evident as the work capabilities of the elderly are questioned on the basis of their age, and the workplace environment is ostensibly friendly but essentially discriminatory. Third, support for elderly employment from the empowerment perspective is discussed. By developing and empowering the elderly with new skills or abilities for re-employment and strengthening their problem-solving abilities in the face of new things through training courses, it should be possible to build the confidence and considerable skills of the elderly workers at the workplace and flip the social stereotype about age.
起訖頁 273-298
關鍵詞 高齡就業增能年齡歧視elderly employmentempowermentageism
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202211 (3:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 終身學習者對於提升自我心理幸福感與個體成熟度的六個提問
該期刊-下一篇 英國博士教育趨勢:數位化、個人化與就業導向的新模式發展




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