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An Action Research on the Application of STORIES Teaching Model to the University's“Leadership and Decision-Making"Course
作者 林曜聖
The purpose of this study is to use the “STORIES” teaching model developed by the researchers to integrate the “story” element into the curriculum and teaching design, and to understand the effectiveness of the curriculum application of this teaching model. The “STORIES” teaching model includes seven implementation strategies: 1. story collection and narration, 2. story thinking, reflection and speculation, 3. leadership story experience and operation, 4. story input and output (reading and role play), 5. leader story interviews, 6. leader career story exploration and planning, and 7. sharing personal learning stories. This research takes the first semester of 2019 as the implementation period, and takes the “Leadership and Decision-making” course of a certain department as the implementation field. The number of students taking the course is 48 sophomores. This study found that the “STORIES” teaching model is suitable for courses related to cultivating leadership functions. Through the sharing of leaders' stories and experiences, it is helpful for students to understand the current situation and needs of the workplace. Secondly, through story teaching, students can apply what they have learned in the classroom. The practical application of leadership and decision-making skills in real-life situations is conducive to the transformation and application of curriculum knowledge. In addition, the use of the “STORIES” teaching model in courses that cultivate leadership functions can effectively improve students' leadership and decision-making skills.
起訖頁 225-256
關鍵詞 STORIES教學模式故事教學領導職能STORIES teaching modelstory teachingleadership competency
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202211 (3:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 新加坡CCE課程與臺灣綜合活動領域之比較研究
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