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The Analysis of Teacher Identity Construction among Preservice Teachers after Internship through the Aspect of Symbolic Interactionism
作者 呂依蓉
The period of internship is the critical time for preservice teachers to build their identity as teachers. This research examines the changes in teacher identity after preservice teachers finish their internship through the lance of symbolic interactionism. Overall, 38 word cards on the descriptions for teacher identity were collected for content analysis. 6 preservice teachers were invited to the semi-structured interview and also conducted their internship diary document analysis. The findings of this research suggest that the teacher identity of the preservice teacher is highly impacted by the student groups and the mentors in the school they practice internship. The conversation, interactions (positive or negative), and attitude of the students, and the behavior and encouragement from the mentor are the key factors that impacted the teacher identity, which turned from a professional instructor of knowledge to a wholistic manager and pusher of daily life manner similar to the role of a parent. This study suggests that the preservice teachers should be given more empowerment on the knowledge of subculture of the teenager and also learn the skills of maintaining their mental health before the internship, and the local community and parental groups shall also provide support in managing the manner of their children. Through these changes, the teacher identity should then become more positive for the preservice teachers.
起訖頁 87-112
關鍵詞 教師角色實習教師符號互動論學生次文化teacher identitypreservice teachersymbolic Interactionismstudent subculture
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202211 (3:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 素養導向師培課程學習經驗與學習轉化之研究:以兩位現職教師為例
該期刊-下一篇 從素養導向教科書分析探討師資生課程與教學素養新挑戰:以國中社會領域為例




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