中文摘要 |
本論文考察夏目漱石自選演講輯錄《社會與自己》(1912.12)中,漱石對「分化」(differentiation)概念的認知,並以提示其意義為目的。 首先,以漱石留學時撰寫的文學論筆記為線索,考察《社會與自己》中的「分化」(differentiation)的概念,明示其與「分業」(division)的概念的關聯性,進而指出其在〈嗜好與職業〉(1911.8.13)與〈現代日本的文明開化〉(1911.8.15)中論述之推展。接著,考察漱石對「道徳の的分化」(differentiation in morals)的關心,反映於〈文藝的哲學基礎〉(1907.4.20)、〈創作家的態度〉(1908.2.15)、〈內容與形式〉(1911.8.17)、〈文藝與道德〉(1911.8.18)演解內容之中。 本論文之考察,將揭示日本近代導入了以西洋產業資本主義為根基之「社會分業」制度,形成職業專門性、追求物質文明與生存競爭的社會背景,並指出「分化」(differentiation)的概念與「社會分業」、生存競爭問題之關聯,以及漱石對於生存競爭問題所促成之對他者不關心之現象的批判。接著,揭示德川時期儒教倫理觀念之殘存與西洋影響下個人主義的推展相悖的背景,指出漱石從「道徳的分化」(differentiation in morals)之課題看出了社會寬容的意義。 This paper will research the concept of‘differentiation’used in Natsume Soseki’s self-selected lecture collection, The Society and I. The purpose of this paper is to point out the significance of Soseki’s recognition about‘differentiation’. First, this paper will research the concept of‘differentiation’used in The Society and I by referring to Literature Theory note which is written by Soseki during his stay in England, in order to point out the relation between the concepts,‘differentiation’and‘division’. The application of the concepts will be found in the discussions of Soseki’s lectures,‘Taste and Occupation’(1911.8.13),‘Civilization in Modern Japan’(1911.8.15). Soseki’s interest on‘differentiation in morals’which reflects on the lectures,‘The Philosophical Fundament of Literature’(1907.4.20),‘An Attitude of Creator’(1908.2.15),‘Content and Model’(1911.8.17),‘Literary Art and Morality’(1911.8.18)will also be included in this paper. This paper will point out Japan in the nineteen century introduced the system of‘division of labor’which is based on industrial capitalism. It accelerated the specialization of occupation, the pursuit on material civilization and competition among society. Soseki criticized the phenomenon of competition among society and indifference on the others under the influence by‘division of labor’which is related with the concept of‘differentiation’. It is also important to point out the gap between neo-Confucianism cultivated in Tokugawa period and Individualism oriented from western society. Under this background, Soseki found out open-mindedness in society from his inquiry about‘differentiation in morals’. |