中文摘要 |
文學能否在促進跨文化對話中扮演積極的角色?本論文將試舉自然主義風寫實主義作家張文環對電影的關心及其相關言論來進行論述。 首先,將提起張文環在「懷念平林彪吾」中提及觀賞電影的回憶,從與平林彪吾交遊的時期以及兩人先後參加普羅運動組織之事實,指出回憶文中張文環所提及的電影即是暴露資本主義醜惡的「傾向電影」。 接著,將視角放向張文環稱讚平林彪吾的「寫實主義」背後所隱藏的自身對「寫實主義」的追求之路,指出台灣藝術研究會同人誌《福爾摩沙》與張文環的創作中,有日本婦人運動之影響、普羅寫實主義的殘留、自然主義寫實主義的導入與「民眾藝術」觀的渲染。 以此,連結到《台灣文學》創刊後,張文環堅持自然主義寫實主義,在1942年11月1日第一回大東亞文學會議〈〈談代表台灣之作家的文藝〉座談會〉,提及對長塚節的《土》的愛不釋卷。透過史料的考察,求證張文環於1939年7月7日在台北大稻埕電影常設館「大劇」中看了內田吐夢導演的電影《土》。提示電影《土》的鑑賞促成最後的長篇作品《爬在地上的人》創作的開花結果。 最後總結,在與日本的文藝思潮的接觸中,張文環的文學活動提示了人類對抗體制壓抑之傾向的普遍性,乃促進跨文化對話所該重視的價值。 The purpose of this study is to introduce how the field of literature can play an active role in Cross-cultural communications. The discussion is based on comments concerning on the field of movie by Wenhuan Chang who is known as one of the writers of naturalistic realism. The first step is to focus on the experience of movie appreciation mentioned by Wenhuan Chang in“The memories of Hirabayashi Hyougo”. From the friendship between Chang and Hirabayashi and their participation in proletarian organizations, we will find out that movie mentioned by Chang in his reminiscence is actually“Tendenzfilms”which exposure outrageous aspects of capitalism. Next, based on Chang’s praise on Hirabayashi’s“Realism”suggests that Chang pursues“Realism”, we are going to find out that the publication“Formosa”by Taiwan Arts Coterie and novels created by Chang are related to the influence of Japan feminist movement, remaining of proletarian realism, introduction of naturalistic realism ,as well as the spread of the notion of“art for the people”. Thereby, we can relate Chang’s adherence to naturalistic realism to his admire on Takashi Nagaduka’s“Tsuchi”, which was declared at Taiwan Representative Writer’s Literary Talk of The First Great East Asian Conference held on 1st November 1942. As for this, it’s essential to investigate historical materials, in which we can find out that“Earth”(Tsuchi) directed by Tomu Uchida was screened in Daigeki cinema theater in Taipei Dadoachen at 7th July 1939, and Chang had seen the movie“Earth”(Tsuchi). According to this, we can point out that Chang’s appreciation of the movie“Tsuchi”leads to his creation in the last work, a long novel called“Men Crawl on the Land”. With close relations to the trend of Japan Literature, Wenhuan Chang’s involvements in literature activities show the universality of resistance from human beings when suppression by the establishment appears. That is the value we ought to cherish in encouraging Cross-cultural communications. |