英文摘要 |
東日本發生大地震(2011年3月11日)至今已2年,常聽到災變的重建計畫、重建工作的進度狀況,無法讓人十分滿意。東日本發生大地震後馬上呼籲「迅速重建」,要求在國家的支援下制定迅速重建計畫。實際上「東日本大地震災害重建基本法」實施是在地震後的三個月6月24日,又「早一點完成重建、以受災地區的立場,不考慮先例,果斷地實施重建工作的組織」-「復興庁」的設立卻是在隔年的2月10日。像這「遲遲沒進展」之狀況下,媒體等將東日本大地震的狀況與90年前的關東大地震的狀況做了比較。 確實以對應速度而言,「復興庁」的範本「帝都復興院」在地震災害後不到一個月就成設立了。 本稿內將論述了迅速對應的關東大地震的「重建工作」實際狀況、可能的「復興事業」的各條件、進而論述制定主要的重建計劃的中新人物,後藤新平的「復興計劃」觀念。 East Japan earthquake (11 March 2011) has been two years, often heard disaster reconstruction projects, the progress of reconstruction work situation, can not make people satisfied. In such a 'slow progress,' I came to treat the situation of the Great Kanto Earthquake (September 1, 1923) nearly90 years ago as a comparison with the East Japan great earthquake disaster in the media. Without, at the point of the speed of the correspondence, surely passing through the model of 'the revival agency' and the done 'Imperial capital revival House' afterearthquake disaster outbreak for one month; was installed. I am accompanied to watch the fact of 'reconstruction ' of the Great Kanto Earthquake said to that quick correspondence was carried out in this report, the conditions that enabled it, 'a reconstruction plan' of Shinpei Goto who is a central figure of the master plan development of the reconstruction plan more and want to mention it. |