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Vegetation and species diversity of the plantation in Xinhua Forest Station
作者 王偉邱清安張芷寧張之毅吳佾鴻曾喜育
Xinhua Forest Station is one of the four experimental forest stations owned by the National Chung-Hsing University. It provides rich resources for forest education, teaching, and student practice, and services such as water conservation and protection, environmental education, forest recreation as well as research collaboration. Plant resource and forest plantation surveys were conducted from May to November of 2019. There were 54 plots with a size of 15 m by 15 m for each plot. A total of 244 vascular plants from 215 genera and 76 families were identified. Among them, 55 naturalized species were detected, with seven having more invasive characteristics, they are Ageratum houstonianum, Mikania micrantha, Wedelia trilobata, Leucaena leucocephala, Lantana camara, Panicum maximum, and Hedychium coronarium. More than 20% of the total vascular plants were naturalized species, indicating that naturalized plants enter the artificial forest easily through the disturbances of forest management activities. The results of cluster analysis suggested that the forest plantations can be divided into the I. Swietenia macrophylla type, II. Alstonia scholaris type, III. Swietenia mahagoni type, IV. Terminalia calamansanai type, V. Zelkova serrate type, VI. Eucalyptus grandis type, VII. Pterocarpus indicus type, and VIII. Litchi chinensis type. Swietenia macrophylla plantation occupies the largest area of the Xinhua Forest Station. Furthermore, the results revealed that the Shannon index was significantly negatively correlated with stand basal area and stand density index, respectively. The results of descending correspondence analysis revealed that the understory composition of Alstonia scholaris and Swietenia macrophylla types were similar; however, the understory composition of Eucalyptus grandis and Pterocarpus indicus types differed from other forest types. The canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the altitude and slope are major environmental factors for differentiating plantation understory compositions. We also discovered that native tree species had a high proportion and abundance of pioneer trees, which could be attributed to frequent, long-term disturbance; therefore, it is recommended that some native shade-tolerant tree species of neighboring areas be introduced to enhance the species diversity at the Xinhua Forest Station.
起訖頁 177-196
關鍵詞 新化林場人工林植群歸化種物種多樣性Xinhua Forest Stationplantationvegetationnaturalize speciesspecies diversity
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 202209  (44:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 氣候變遷下減少林木病蟲害之碳保存效益分析
該期刊-下一篇 澀葉榕亞屬(桑科,榕屬)葉片結構性狀在系統分類與生態的意義




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