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Integrated Research on Non-Destruction and Destruction Detection of Exterior Walls
作者 廖硃岑 (Chu-Tsen Liao)張孟修林智捷
台灣的建築物外觀常以磁磚作為外裝修材料。近幾年來外牆磁磚時常發生隆起和剝落意外,若能在磁磚剝落前,進行劣化檢測而預知危險,能減少被磁磚砸傷的傷害事件。外牆檢測方法分為非破壞檢測與破壞檢測,利用紅外線熱像儀進行非破壞檢測,能夠迅速及大範圍確認損傷狀況,因此廣為使用。一般較常使用的破壞檢測為拉拔試驗。有鑑於此,本研究設定劣化空鼓條件試體,以紅外線熱影像法和拉拔試驗兩種實驗法進行綜合分析比較。本研究目的探討(1)利用紅外線熱影像法分析空鼓與無空鼓處的磁磚溫差,評估非破壞檢驗結果(2)利用拉拔試驗法掌握黏著強度,評估破壞試驗結果(3)綜合以上1與2結果,比較分析。磁磚試體設定打底層空鼓率為0%、25%、50%、75%,拉拔試驗平均黏著強度依序為4.98、2.37、1.34、1.19 kgf/cm2。黏著強度顯示空鼓率75%和50%接近,空鼓率50%與25%相較折減了1.7倍,可視空鼓率50%之強度為極限強度。紅外線熱影像法以破壞前、最低劣化比例之空鼓率25%為實驗對象。實驗結果顯示,試體加熱時間共120分鐘;當加熱時間到60分鐘時,磁磚空鼓與無空鼓的溫差曲線逐漸穩定,溫差為4.33°C。研究結果建議外牆檢測人員使用紅外線熱影像儀進行大面積初步檢測,熱影像若擷取到溫度差為4.33°C以上時,可以進一步使用拉拔試驗確認黏著強度。當拉拔強度為2.37 kgf/cm2以下,則判定具剝落的高危險性,需要立即採取相應對策。
Tiles was usually used as exterior decoration materials in Taiwan. If the deterioration detection can be performed before the tiles are peeled off to predict the danger, the injury incidents of being hit by the tiles can be reduced. Exterior wall detection methods are divided into non-destructive and destructive. In this study, the degraded hollowing rate were set, infrared thermal imaging method and pull-out testing were used for comprehensive analysis and comparison. The purpose of this study is to discuss (1) use infrared thermal imaging method to analyze the temperature difference and evaluate the non-destructive test results (2) use the pull-off testing method to grasp the adhesion strength and evaluate the destructive test results (3) comprehensive the results of 1 and 2 above. When the tile deteriorating rate are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, the pull-off testing strength are 4.98, 2.37, 1.34, 1.19 kgf/cm2. The strength of 75% and 50% is close, and the strength of 50% and 25% is reduced by 1.7 times. It can be seen that the rate of 50% is the critical value of the failure strength. Infrared thermal imaging method takes 25% cement hollowing rate as the experimental object. The results show that when the heating time reaches 60 minutes, the temperature difference curve of the tiles gradually stabilizes, and the temperature difference is 4.33°C. The results of the study suggest that if the inspectors capture the thermal image a temperature difference of more than 4.33°C, a pull-off testing can be used to confirm the adhesive strength. When the strength is 2.37 kgf/cm2 or less, it is judged that there is a high risk of peeling, and corresponding measures should be taken immediately.
起訖頁 39-52
關鍵詞 非破壞檢測破壞檢測拉拔試驗法紅外線熱影像法空鼓率Non-destructive testingDestruction detectionPull-off testinginfrared thermal imaging methodhollowing rate
刊名 物業管理學報  
期數 202209 (13:2期)
出版單位 臺灣物業管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 社會住宅包租代管計畫租金檢核方式之研究
該期刊-下一篇 住宿式長照機構規劃階段之檢討項目重要性研究




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