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Traveling in Poetic Movements: An Analysis on Singapore Chinese Writer Liu Beian and his Literary Works
作者 謝征達
LIU Beian (CHUA Boon Hean, 1906-1995) is a multi-talented literato who is impressive in ancient poetry, new poetry, drawings, calligraphy, and even in education and screen writing. The article will analyze and elaborate on the works of LIU Beian, including his life experiences and the theme of his literature works such as cross-boundaries, cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism. The first part of the article will elaborate on the relations between LIU’s diasporic life and his works. The second part will focus on the cross-boundaries and cosmopolitanism in his poetry works, exploring different part of the world while portraying a great sense of empathy to people worldwide. Third section will focus on the multi-culturalism in LIU Beian’s narrative poems “Colourless Rainbow” and the Malay movies he wrote. The challenges include not only in terms of language barriers in Chinese and Malays but also in his effort and concerns formulti-ethnicity, contributed to the success in both literary and screen-writings. The article will conclude by discussing the overall positive impacts LIU Beian have contributed to the Singapore Chinese literary field.
起訖頁 131-154
關鍵詞 柳北岸行旅世界主義多元文化新加坡華文文學LIU BeianTravelCosmopolitanismMulticulturalismSingapore Chinese Literature
刊名 臺灣東南亞學刊  
期數 202010 (15:2期)
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學東南亞研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 噤啞之後:新馬左翼歷史的記憶政治與當代冷戰敘事
該期刊-下一篇 未被書寫的歷史:Mary Somers Heidhues歷史民族誌對當代印尼客家研究的啟發




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