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Innovative Peasant: A Example of the Top-grafted Pear Production in Dongshih
作者 林淳華巫茂熾
Lack of innovation capacity has been characteristic of the peasant in literature of peasant studies. We observed that specified farm tools developed by creative farmers constitute condition for the rise and prosperity of top-grafted pear industry. This thesis aims to characterize the role of farmers in the development of farm tool innovation, social context of innovation, and consequences of interaction between innovation and agricultural labor. We find that Hakka cultural features including communal worship, upholding learning, and practicing frugality as well as commercial activities contingent upon postwar industrialization constituted seedbed for farmers’ innovation. Various farm tools were developed not only to solve economic problems such as production capacity, scaling-up and quality improvement, but also to work out the problems of life quality, such as family relation and labor conditions. The thesis concludes with a remark that the innovation concerned with top-grafted pear benefited from the historical contingency. In 1977, the social atmosphere of Martial Law made possible a unique fruit farmers team oriented to innovation, so the the team worked the rule in accordance with the important condition of technique innovation, which shape the unique trajectory of Dongshih farmer’s innovation.
起訖頁 1-53
關鍵詞 高接梨小農經濟地方社會草根創新客家top-grafted pearpeasant economylocal societygrass-roots innovationHakka
刊名 庶民文化研究  
期數 202110 (24期)
出版單位 逢甲大學人文社會學院庶民文化研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 如何活化小鎮生活風格──竹山小鎮文創案例分析報告




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