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Benfits of environmental interpretation on Firfly-watching tours in Hsinhua Forest Station
作者 曾鈞鴻吳佾鴻陳瀅世 (Ying-Shih Chen)
After the reclamation of the Hsinhua Forest Station by National Chung Hsing University, its abundant natural ecological resources along with its surrounding Siraya humanity settlements and the neighboring urban areas were further utilized and incorporated into the efforts of actively promoting multiple environmental education courses and shaping a high-quality environmental education base in order to have a widespread influence and contribution for the current environmental education. The resources and characteristics were first investigated and Firefly-watching activity was taken as an example to optimize the curriculum by evaluating visitors' satisfaction and benefits of environmental education. At the beginning of the event planning, previous activities were reviewed based on collected survey data. Negative factors affecting the satisfaction of the interpretation service were removed from the curriculum, new environmental education ability indicators were addede. The survey data of visitors' feedback were collected from a total of 274 valid questionnaires. The survey results showed that visitors had a high satisfaction toward the firefly watching, while only a few tourists were not satisfied due to the uncomfortable feeling of walking on the trail and the low number of fireflies. Since most of the visitors had high degree of environmental awareness and affections and had the willingness to take actions and make commitments, we concluded that the satisfaction of the interpretation of Firefly watching is positively correlated with the benefits of environmental education. The survey results were in line with previous reference studies. We also found that the performance of the interpreter is the key factor to affect the survey outcome. The interpreter's professional knowledge is moderately related to only environmental cognition, while the interpreters' confident performance is moderately related to not only environmental cognition, but also visitors' behavior and commitment. Our results also suggest that the stability of the ecological trails, the real-time monitoring information of fireflies on the official website, the emphasis of environmental education on benefits of green procurement, the contents of training courses and the evaluation of interpreters' performance, and establishment of long-term feedback and evaluation data system will be the key factors to advance the environmental education.
起訖頁 57-70
關鍵詞 解說賞螢環境教育滿意度新化林場interpretationFirfly watchingenvironmental educationsatisfactionHsinhua Forest Station.
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 202206 (44:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 國立中興大學文山林場植群調查研究




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