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The Study of the Private Laws of Trade in Crypto Asset: Focusing on Crypto Asset Trading Platforms
作者 周靖媛
This thesis discusses the private law issues of crypto asset from both technical and commercial perspectives. The author first explains the nature of crypto asset as a "property" under Taiwan’s Civil Code and points out how the address of crypto asset on the distributed ledger system facilitates the determination of the "possession" of crypto asset, which is a crucial mechanism to keep the public informed of the status of personal property. It also points out that the consensus mechanism adopted by the distributed ledger technology might weaken the above mechanism; therefore, some traditional property law rules might not be able to be applied to distributed ledger system, especially the manifestation of intent rule. Secondly, to analyze the trading platform and trading market of crypto assets, this thesis compares it with the traditional trading system for uncertificated securities and discusses the various legal systems related to uncertificated securities with a global view. It points out the issues of corporate governance and investor protection between securities investors and issuers arisen from multiple intermediaries under different systems. Based on these findings, the thesis compares and analyzes the difference among different modes of crypto asset trading on trading platforms, the possession chain of traditional uncertificated securities, and the securities trading system in Taiwan. In this process, the thesis also explains the legal status of various decentralized trading platforms built on smart contracts as their trading infrastructure and the attribution of crypto asset reserves under these smart contracts.
起訖頁 1-248
關鍵詞 虛擬通貨分散式帳本技術虛擬通貨交易平台智能合約證券持有體系無實體有價證券中介機構crypto assetdistributed ledger technologycrypto asset trading platformsmart contractsecurities holding systemuncertificated securitiesintermediaries
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺灣大學 
該期刊-上一篇 集會遊行的刑事責任與實質平等──解開集會自由的枷鎖
該期刊-下一篇 集會遊行的刑事責任與實質平等──解開集會自由的枷鎖




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