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Exemptions on Individual Income Tax as Constitutional Rights
作者 張偉志
If necessities or expenses for basic living are imposed of income tax obligation, right of existence is infringed. Right of existence under Article 15 of the Constitution indicates economic fundamental right, rather than right to live. Due to the limited resources, the protection sphere (“Schutzbereich”) of right of existence is close to Existenzminimum, namely the basic living in accordance with human dignity, maintaining the effectivity of the right. Meanwhile, social rights should be regarded as constitutional rights. Current theories on right of existence focus on its function of claiming necessities for basic living, ignoring the function of procecting basic living from being interfered. Exemptions and deductions of individual income tax as well as prohibition of compulsory execution on basic living show the procecting function of right of existence. Despite that basic living standards change as the time goes, they could be understood from Fundamental National Policies of the Constitution and legislators’ current judgement. Theories on right of existence would be more complete if it contains both function of protection and that of claim.Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 415 regards the exemption for an individual towards whom the taxpayer has legal support obligation as a privilege. Interpretaion No. 694 follows the opinion and points out the exemption as one of welfare measures to ensure people’s livelihood. Interpretaion No. 701 indicates deductions of medical expenses as another measure. However, the opinion that right of existence as State’s obligation rather than individual’s right under Interpretaion Nos. 694 and 701 fails to comprehend that the constitutional meaning of exemptions and deductions of individual income tax is to realize principle of ability-to-pay and ensure basic living, which is the protecting function of right of existence, prohibitting livelihood from being taxed. Exemptions and deductions of individual income tax are not social welfares.Tax laws are multi-values legal systems in accordance with constitutional values. Under the Constitution, tax laws accept private law and undertake social State’s obligations. Hense, the expense that taxpayers pay for maintaining their basic living in accordance with human dignity for themselves and their dependents shall not be taxed. Legislators are obliged to adjust basic living standards and are bound to make the same judgements made in social laws, on the basis of Menschenbild (picture of human beings) and consistency of legal systems.On the condition that Existenzminimum is ensured under the principle of ability-to-pay, institutional guarantee of marriages and families could be ensured, private law could be accepted by tax laws, and most importantly, all human beings could effectively have freedom and right, make decisions and realize themselves with their basic livings guaranteed.
起訖頁 1-239
關鍵詞 社會國原則民生福利國家原則人性尊嚴生存權最低生存保障量能課稅原則主觀淨所得原則免稅額扣除額納稅者權利保護法principle of social Stateprinciple of welfare Statehuman dignityright of existenceExistenzminimumprinciple of ability-to-payprinciple of subjective ability-to-payexemptionsdeductionsTaxpayer Rights Protection Act
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺灣大學 
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