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A Study on the Protections of Post-Mortal Personality Right and Survivors' Emotions -- Focus on the Concretization of “the Legal interest in Cherishing the Memory of the Deceased”
作者 許景翔
After a person dies, his personal characteristics while alive, such as name, portrait, privacy, and reputation could still be infringed or used by others, and thus, the survivors could possibly suffer from emotional distress as well. In the meantime, the necessity of protecting the personality of the deceased and how the civil legal relations should be dealt with are worthy of studying. To deal with this, either through legislation of parliament or through jurisdictional practices, countries establish the system of protecting the personality of the deceased. Under comparison, there are no relative norms in our civil code while our legal practice is still under development. Concerning the mode of protecting the personality of the deceased, there have been two approaches, direct and indirect protection. This thesis will introduce and compare the development of academy and legal practice of German, Japan, China and our country and reconsider the necessity of protecting the personality of the deceased. As far as this thesis is concerned, since the deceased are no longer subjects of right, there are no ways for them to develop legal relations. Therefore, the issues of protecting the personality of the deceased should focus on the emotions of the survivors, that is, the concretization of the legal interest in cherishing the memory of the deceased, and instead of a tool of indirectly protecting the personality of the deceased, that legal interest protects the survivors themselves. Concerning the legal interest of the survivors in cherishing the memory of the deceased, it is thought of as a general personal legal interest in our country and Japan. However, as far as this thesis is concerned, this emotion arises from the family relation between the survivors and the deceased and is characterized as a family legal interest, so it should find its basis in Article 195 Section 3 of Civil Code and the subjects of protection should be confined to parents, children and spouse. Moreover, in addition to the infringement of the personality of the deceased while alive, cases of damaging human remains, losing bone ash and digging tombs could take place in legal practice. These behaviors could be considered as methods of infringing the legal interest of the survivors in cherishing the memory of the deceased. Therefore, this thesis tries to analyze the content, nature, basis of justification, remedial methods and categories of infringement of “survivors’ emotions”, and provide legal practice with references in dealing with the cases mentioned above in the future to complete the protecting system of relating civil liability.
起訖頁 1-216
關鍵詞 死者人格敬愛追慕遺族情感人格法益身分法益遺體post-mortal personality rightcherish the memory of the deceasedpersonal survivors' emotionslegal interestsfamily legal interestshuman remains
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺灣大學 
該期刊-上一篇 高齡社會與遺贈稅法--以日本法制為借鏡
該期刊-下一篇 高齡社會與遺贈稅法--以日本法制為借鏡




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