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Review and Prospect of the Legal System of Nature Conservation and Cultural Heritage Preservation: Focusing on Protected Areas and Monuments Preservation
作者 王奕晟
系所名稱:教育學院教育經營與管理學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:103年 指導教授:李建良 氣候變遷是當前重要的議題之一,已影響到人類與萬物所依存之自然環境。為人類永續發展之所需,相關法制亦須隨之因應及調整,本文所關注之自然保育法制及文化資產保存法制亦然。本文所關注之自然保育法制,係以「保護區」作為討論焦點,其定義乃參酌《生物多樣性公約》第二條、世界自然保育聯盟(IUCN)1994年發表《保護區管理類別指南》之定義,本文認為符合前揭定義之我國法律,概有文化資產保存法、國家公園法、野生動物保育法、森林法及濕地保育法,其中文化資產保存法之「自然地景」,更同時兼具自然保育及文化資產保存之目的。本文首先闡述氣候變遷法制與生物多樣性之相關法制,基於國家保護義務、預警原則(預防原則)之論述,證立國家有義務設置保護區以維持生物多樣性,並逐次以氣候變遷法之視野,分析我國自然保育法制之沿革、內容、問題及改善之道。於文化資產保存法制部分,則以古蹟保存為研究核心,僅指《世界文化與自然遺產保護公約》中之有形文化遺產,本文茲以「高雄旗山堤防案」引起之行政爭訟作為探討核心,欲證立文化資產保存與因應氣候變遷採取相應措施間並不衝突,應可並存。本文以氣候變遷法之視野,分析自然保育及文化資產保存法制,亦著重在政府組織改造、機關權限分配、在地居民生存權與文化權之確保等議題,希求未來在因應氣候變遷問題解決之面向上,國家法制能夠妥適地維護自然之生存基礎,俾利多元文化得以永續充實人類之精神生活。
Climate change is a critical and contemporary issue. It strongly affects the natural environment upon which the ecosystem and society depend. In order to achieve “sustainable development” within a society, it is necessary to reconcile the legal system with the purpose of “sustainable development.” In this thesis, the “Nature Conservation Law" and "Cultural Heritage Preservation Law" in Taiwan will be discussed.In the “Nature Conservation Law” discussions will be given on the "Protected Areas," which is defined in the reference of "Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)" Article II; and "Guidelines Protected Area Management Categories," published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 1994. The definition of "Protected Areas" can be found in this thesis. They are the following Acts in Taiwan: Cultural Heritage Preservation Act; National Park Law; Wildlife Conservation Act; The Forestry Act and the Wetland Conservation Act. In the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, the concept of "Natural Landscape," implements both “Nature conservation” and “Cultural heritage preservation.” This thesis begins with a discussion on climate change and the biodiversity-related legal system. The obligation for a state to establish protected areas can be attributed to the theory of “State’s Protection Duty” and the principle of precautionary (principle of prevention). With the perspective of climate change law, the history, contents, problems and resolutions of natural preservation law will be described.The legal system of cultural heritage preservation focuses on the preservation of historical sites and refers only to tangible cultural heritage, according to the "Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage." A local case "Kaohsiung Cishan dike" will be discussed in details, in order to prove that the protection of cultural assets and appropriate measures in response to climate change are not contradicted and can coexist.This article not only analyzes the legal system of natural conservation and preservation of cultural assets under the perspective of climate change law, but also discusses the following issues: transformation of government organizations, the assignment of competence between administrative agencies and the ensurance of residents’ survival and cultural rights. In the aspect of resolving the climate change issue, the aspiration to hope that the legal system would sustain and protect the natural environment. As to maintain the cultural diversity with the prospect of enriching the spiritual life of the human kind.
起訖頁 1-385
關鍵詞 氣候變遷自然保育生物多樣性保護區文化資產保存古蹟保存Climate ChangeNature ConservationBiodiversityProtected AreasCultural Heritage PreservationMonuments Preservation
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺北教育大學 
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