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Exhaustion Doctrine on the Issue of Digitally Transmission of Works
作者 許哲銘
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:105年 指導教授:王怡蘋 以無體物型態呈現的數位音樂、數位影音、電子書及電腦程式等數位化著作重製物,其受讓人是否能主張這些數位著作無體重製物能如同有體著作重製物適用權利耗盡原則,而能自由傳輸轉讓數位著作無體重製物?需處理幾項爭議問題,一者,散布權及權利耗盡原則是就有體物架構下所創的法律概念,是否能適用於無體物?;二者,商業交易實務於網路傳輸著作時都會伴隨授權契約的締結,是否影響法律關係的定性,使法律行為不為所有權移轉,而不符合權利耗盡原則適用要件;三者,網路傳輸著作所移轉的內容究竟為何?耗盡的內容又是什麼?由於散布權以移轉所有權為要件,但網路傳輸著作所涉及的是沒有所有權的無體重製物和使用權,所以似乎不涉及散布權,但現行權利耗盡原則所耗盡的權利是散布權。就此,本文參考美國法與歐盟法院/德國法的實務及學說發展,討論我國法就數位著作無體重製物適用權利耗盡原則的可能性。提出權利耗盡原則在特定條件下得以適用於無體著作重製物,且耗盡的權利仍是散布權,但附帶耗盡因轉讓數位著作無體重製物所產生的必要重製行為之重製權,另外,即使雙方當事人間有締結授權契約,雙方所為的轉讓數位著作無體重製物行為,也需先檢視是否適用於權利耗盡原則。
Exhaustion Doctrine (First Sale Doctrine) according to existing legislation only applies to tangible Copies. However, digital copies of works, such as online music (digital music), online video (digital video), E-book and computer program (software), are intangible copies. Thus, can alienee claim Exhaustion Doctrine to contradict infringement of distribution and reproduction rights, when alienee transfers the digitally intangible copies of works to a second-alienee? To answer this key question, we need solution another three questions: 1. Whether Exhaustion Doctrine can apply to intangible copies of works? 2. The owner of copyright often offers digitally intangible copies of works to customers pursuant to an accompanying license agreement (such as SLA, EULA) , which customers must accept before using copies of works. Therefore, whether alienee is determined as licensees of their copies of works rather than owners so that alienee can’t claim Exhaustion Doctrine? 3. If Exhaustion Doctrine could apply to digitally intangible copies of works. What right is exhausted when the owner of copyright transfers digitally intangible copies of works to alienee? Owing to alienee can’t be owner of intangible copies, however only owner of copies of works can claim distribution right. So element and effect of Exhaustion Doctrine must be modified.At these points, this article refers to American and Deutsch court decision as well as scholars’ opinion, and discuss whether article 59-1 of Taiwanese Law of Copyright (Taiwanese Exhaustion Doctrine) can apply to digitally intangible copies of works. This article takes affirmative view and is of the opinion that man has right of distribution to transfer digitally intangible copies of works. Furthermore, this article creates new element and effect, that distribution right and reproduction right, which refers to indispensable copy result from transferring digitally intangible copies of works, are exhausted, when the owner of copyright transfers digitally intangible copies of works to alienee. Besides, even if alienee accepts SLA/EULA, juridical acts must still be surveyed by Exhaustion Doctrine.
起訖頁 1-124
關鍵詞 權利耗盡原則散布權網路傳輸數位著作無體重製物授權契約必要重製First Sale Doctrinedistribution rightnetwork transmissiondigitally worksintangible copylicense agreementnecessary for the use
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺北大學 
該期刊-上一篇 薪酬委員會對績效敏感性與內控缺失關聯性之影響
該期刊-下一篇 薪酬委員會對績效敏感性與內控缺失關聯性之影響




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