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Legal Research on Disposal of Failing Financial Institutions under Deposit Insurance Scheme
作者 李智仁 (Chih-Jen Lee)
系所名稱:法律學系博士班 學位別:博士 畢業學年:98年 指導教授:賴英照 不論是在何地所發生之金融危機,均有賴完備的處理機制用以解決此等危機。在處理危機的機制中 ,金融主管機關固然扮演了重要角色,但在近年來特別受到重視者,應屬存款保險制度。觀諸存款保險制度之發展,固有因地制宜之差異性,但仍可發現其逐漸由純粹的保險賠付者﹝Pay-Box﹞角色,轉型成為風險控管者﹝Risk-Minimizer﹞以及損失管控者﹝Loss-Minimizer﹞,其協助處理問題金融機構之功能也日益突顯。本文以為,存款保險制度之目的,並非單純消極地以賠付等方式保障存款人之權益,其更肩負協助處理問題金融機構之權能,而積極地構築出另一道預防性之監理防線。透過此二種機能之實踐,存款保險制度有助於保險金融知識欠缺之存款人,並排除其因擠兌而產生之恐懼,進而達成穩定金融秩序之目的。本文更進而觀察美國、日本以及我國存款保險制度處理問題金融機構之基本模式,其後,復就2007年我國存款保險條例修正後之新制度加以觀察。其中,在基本模式層面,常見之問題在於存款保險組織處理問題金融機構時之定位,同時法制上是否對其有過度權力強化之疑義。至於在新型態之處理方法上,立即糾正措施之採行將有助於在問題金融機構尚未惡化之情況下,及時介入處理,甚至必要時得以進行退場。此等機制將提供金融機構與金融消費者較以往更高之期待可能性,復有助益於市場秩序之穩定。而過渡銀行制度將排除以往存款保險組織暫行承受經營所可能產生之弊端,進而促進處理問題金融機構之流暢性,但對於契約條款是否拘束過渡銀行及存款保險組織,則屬未來法制應正視之問題。更次,在金融機構發生問題後,其人員所為之不法行為應如何進行追訴,也是值得關切之重點。但囿於實務之現況,未來如何與理論上之建議調和,也是存保法制進步的空間。除此之外,跨國問題金融機構之處理未來也將成為存款保險制度發展上之重要議題,如何發揮存款保險組織身為金融安全網一員之功能,即屬未來發展之展望。
The resolution of financial crisis relies on complete dispose scheme. Though the financial authorities play an important role on dispose scheme, deposit insurance system has outstanding impact on it in recent years. On the development of deposit insurance system, it differs with countries. However the role deposit insurance system plays transforms from Pay-Box into Risk-Minimizer and Loss-Minimizer, which enhances its function of the disposition of problem financial institutions.From the point of view of the study the purposes of deposit insurance system are not only to protect depositors by pay-off but also to assist in disposing problem financial institutions by supervision in advance. Through the implementation of these two methods deposit insurance system will function as a protector for uneducated depositors from fearing of bank runs in order to improve the stability of financial market. First, this study analyzes the basic model of the disposition of problem financial institutions in America, Japan and Taiwan. Furthermore, this studyresearches the new model of the disposition under the amended Deposit Insurance Act of 2007. In the basic model, the thorniest problem is the status of deposit insurance organization while deposing problem financial institutions. Another knotty issue is controversy of right abuse. In the new models, prompt corrective action (PCA) gives great benefit such as timely intervention and termination while deposing problem financial institutions in order to stabilize the market order. Besides, Bridge Bank prevents the assets from defects by temporary undertaking. However, it is worth discussing whether the provisions of contract shall retrain the Bridge Bank while examining the subject more closely.In addition, the question about how to look into the responsibility of staff members and senior management after the bank failed should be carefully concerned. Besides, the disposition of cross-border problem financial institutions was also discussed in this article. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the aforementioned issues and current handling measures.
起訖頁 1-270
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺北大學 
該期刊-上一篇 論民事舉證責任分配法則在我國之發展
該期刊-下一篇 論民事舉證責任分配法則在我國之發展




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