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作者 江雅晏
系所名稱:輔導與諮商學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:109年 指導教授:葉怡伶、施志鴻 本研究目的主要在了解無差別殺人犯罪之相關影響因素、動機以及無差別殺人犯罪者的生命歷程經驗,並且運用歸因理論來了解與分析無差別殺人犯罪行為。本研究採用敘事研究法與半結構式深度訪談,針對一名因犯下無差別殺人犯罪,收容於監所之受刑人進行研究。研究結果發現:一、無差別殺人犯罪之特徵:(一)無差別殺人犯罪案發場所,為開放性質場合,然而透過時間或地點部分的隱蔽性,能避免行為曝光遭中斷(二)無差別殺人犯罪者對犯案地點具熟悉性,以提高對犯罪行為的掌控度(三)無差別殺人犯罪被害對象,具有象徵意涵或將之殺害所費成本較低。二、無差別殺人犯罪之相關影響因素與動機:(一)無差別殺人犯罪者之犯罪動機,多非直接針對傷害、殺害被害者,著眼於被害者死亡後獲取的好處(二)無差別殺人犯罪成因又可進一步區分為成長因子及觸發因子,需以系統觀理解生命歷程經驗。三、無差別殺人犯罪者之生命歷程經驗:(一)無差別殺人犯罪生命歷程充斥逆境經驗。包括歷經負面的家庭關係、學校霸凌與職場剝削、親密關係失落、經濟變故等,因而消融生存慾望(二)案發後,無差別殺人者處於內在矛盾狀態,對即將到來的司法程序感到擔憂。四、無差別殺人犯罪者在敵意歸因風格、悲觀歸因風格的影響下,促使無差別殺人犯罪者親社會情感消失,以及自我貶損,最後認為實施無差別殺人行為是“沒有選擇的選擇因而走向殺人的結果。最後,依據本研究結果,參照Brantingham與Faust在1976提出的犯罪三級預防理論,針對無差別殺人犯罪防治相關單位,以及未來研究建議方向提出幾點建議以供參考。
The aims of the study were to explore the potential crime factors, the motive, and the life experience of an indiscriminate perpetrator using attribution theory. The narrative research method and semi-structured in-depth interview were conducted with a convicted offender who has convictions for crime of indiscriminate killing. The findings are discussed as follows, including the characteristics of the indiscriminate killing, the potential crime factors and the motive of the perpetrator, the life experience of the perpetrator, and the offender's attributions of his own killing behavior. First, the indiscriminate killing occurring in public locations can not be interrupted. Furthermore, the offender selects familiar locations to commit the killing behavior to increase the feeling of control. From the offender's perspective, potential victims may be meaningful symbolic and effortless when conducting the killing behavior. Second, the offendrer’s motive of the indiscriminate killing behavior focusing on the result of some benefit, such as death penalty, instead of injury or death cases. The factors underlying the indiscriminate killing behavior can be divided into the developmental factor and trigger factor from a systematic perspective. Third, the indiscriminate perpetrator reported experiencing adverse family relationship, school bullying, exploitation in the workplace, intimacy deficiency, and economic calamity, reducing the will of survival. Moreover, the offender had felt contradictory and worried about the judicial adjudication after committing the crime. Fourth, hostile and pessimistic attributional style has an effect on how the offender confronting the life, resulting in self-effacement, reduction in prosocial behavior, and killing behavior. From the attribution model, the offender's pessimistic attributional style resulted in a distorted cognition such like considering indiscriminate killing as only choice.Future suggestions for other researchers and prevention from discriminate killing based on Brantingham and Faust’s three-level crime prevention model was discussed.
起訖頁 1-149
關鍵詞 無差別殺人生命歷程經驗敘說研究indiscriminate homicidelife course experiencenarrative research
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 彰化師範大學 
該期刊-上一篇 修復式正義應用於重大暴力犯罪行為人之研究




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