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“Ordre Public and Morality-Provisions” under Intellectual Property Law-Related to Fundamental Rights of Constitution
作者 許炳華
系所名稱:科技法律研究所 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:96年 指導教授:王服清 本論文乃探討智慧財產權法(專利法、著作權法、商標法)領域之「公序良俗」條款,並且從憲法上基本權利的面向做觀察。第一章係論述研究動機、目的、方法及範圍等。第二章以「公序良俗」條款搭起公、私法領域的一座橋樑。第三章探討「公序良俗」條款適用於專利法領域,有生命物質的發明是否具有專利能力,對世界各國一直都是一個棘手的難題,「公序良俗」條款是否應納入專利法,亦向來爭辯不休,而從憲法基本權利的觀點方面,憲法「研究自由」、「人性尊嚴」或其他基本權利對於生物科技發明的影響,甚至可能導致二個以上的基本權利產生衝突。第四章則論述我國實務適用「公序良俗」條款於著作權法領域,可能涉及到言論(表現)自由及財產權保障的問題,建議將妨害公序良俗之著作定位為「猥褻性言論」,並明文在著作權法訂定「公序良俗」條款。第五章談到商標為一種商業性言論,本諸我國對於商標之原始取得方式係採取「註冊主義」之立法例,及援引學說上之「基本權效用極大化原則」,應認為以「公序良俗」條款核駁人民申請商標之註冊,已侵害人民之言論(表現)自由,而需進行合憲性之審查。最後在第六章回顧所有之結論與論點,並嘗試將「公序良俗」條款類型化。
The thesis attempted to study “Ordre Public and Morality-Provisions” under Intellectual Property law(Patent Law, Copyright Law and Trademark Law) , and observe it from the angle of fundamental rights of Constitution. Chapter I comprises research motivation, goals, methods and scope. Chapter II takes “Ordre Public and Morality-Provisions” as a linkage to connect public and private laws. Chapter III discusses the application of“Ordre Public and Morality-Provisions” in Patent Law. It has been a huge controversy around the world whether inventions of living materials have patentability or not. The debate on if the “Ordre Public and morality-Provisions” should be written into Patent Law never stop. And, from the aspect of fundamental rights of Constitution, it will influence freedom of research, human dignity on biotechnological inventions. Chapter IV is about the application of“Ordre Public and Morality-Provisions” in Copyright Law judgements. The suggestion is to regard a work which will violate ordre public and morality as “obscene speech”. It also should enact “Ordre Public and Morality-Provisions” in Copyright Law. Chapter V , probes for the question: will the refusal to trademark registration abridge the freedom of expression? Chapter VI will look back at all the opinions the thesis presents a brief conclusion.
起訖頁 1-229
關鍵詞 公序良俗公共秩序善良風俗道德智慧財產權法生物科技研究自由人性尊嚴專利猥褻性言論表現自由著作權商標ordre public and moralitypublic ordermorality Intellectual Property lawbiotechnologyfreedom of researchhuman dignitypatent obscene speech freedom of expressioncopyrighttrademark
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 雲林科技大學 
該期刊-上一篇 醫療糾紛處理及事故補償法制之研究──以美國法制為中心




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