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The Study on Securitization of Intellectual Property Rights
作者 馮浩庭
而在擔保交易中,智財權除可進行融資擔保,實現其擔保價值外,於1997年知名歌手David Bowie以其音樂著作權為證券化資產,成功發行Bowie Bonds後,亦證明以智財權進行證券化交易的可行性,使得證券化成為另一股智財權運用的新趨勢。而孕育Bowie Bonds誕生的美國,也成為智財權證券化的始祖與交易數量最多的市場。透過證券化技術之橋接,擁有智財權的企業或個人將可藉此與資本市場產生新的連結,為其提供傳統銀行貸款外的新融資管道,增加智財權的價值。本研究之目的即在於瞭解美國智財權證券化之發展經驗,藉由實際案例之介紹,研究其運作模式、困難與未來前景,提供各界參考,並分析在我國推動智財權證券化的可行性。
The value chain of intellectual property rights (IPRs) can be separated into innovation, protection, management and utilization. Utilization is the only way to extract the value of IPRs. Therefore, how to find out the new utilization conduit is the most important concern of IPR owners. Nowadays, the strategies and ways of utilizing IPRs are diverse. In addition to combining IPRs with the business operation, it can be used as collateral to extract its financial value. Besides secured lending, IPRs has been proved suitable as securitizing asset when David Bowie successfully closed a music royalty securitization in 1997. From then, securitization has become a new trend to utilize IPRs and USA has become the market with most transactions of IPRs securitization.By securitization, IPR owners can get a new linkage with the capital market, providing a new way to raise money. This increases the value of IPRs. The aim of the study is to understand the experience of IPR securitization in USA. We introduce the real cases and analyze their processes, hard issues, future prospects, and feasibility in Taiwan.We conclude that any eligible IPRs, including patent, trademark, and music, films can be securitized and IPR securitization use exactly the same techniques of asset securitization. It begins with IPR owner, originator, transferring the IPRs and related royalty interests to a special purpose vehicle, then structuring necessary credit enhancement (like over-collateralization, reserve funds, credit tranching, third party guarantee or insurance, revolving period, triggered amortization and so on), then getting a credit rating by a rating agency, and issuing IP-backed securities to investors through a underwriter. Private placement of securities is in common in all existing USA cases so that their public transaction information is very limited.After development of several years, we have observed four favorable trends in American market, including improvement of IPR valuation and innovation management, the use of pooling of assets, expansion of asset classes from music to trademark and patent, easiness to get the service from financial, legal, accounting and tax professionals. Because of IPRs gradually becoming the largest source of cash flow in the world and advantages to all transaction parties, many financial experts believe IPRs will be the most securitizing assets.However, as result of the characteristics and the inherent value challenges of IPRs, structuring IPR securitization has many difficulties and increasing complexities. Furthermore, because of lacking other supporting functions, IPR securitization faces many holding back forces, including immaturity of IPR valuation, rampant IPR infringements, especially music, video, software piracies and trademark counterfeits, high costs, incompleteness of IPR security interest law, unfavorable payment term of existing licensing contracts, lack of efficient secondary market of IP-backed securities, unfamiliarity of investors about IPR.As for Taiwan, we think IPR owners can only securitize his royalty interests of IPR, but not IPR itself by application of Financial Assets Securitization Act. Otherwise, they can securitize IPR and related rights by application of Trust Business Act, but without the decision of Ministry of Finance, the beneficial interests of trust can not be regard as securities. Moreover, that Taiwan does not recognize the transference of executory future cash flow in Civil Law results in non-separateness of IPR owner’s insolvency risk. And our licensees have no right to retain the use of IPRs licensed when receiver rejects the licensing agreement in Bankruptcy Act. Finally, transaction parties need no registration when engaging in secured transaction or transference of copyright in Taiwan. It does harm to other parties in interest and is unfavorable to copyright securitization.Maybe someone will doubt that it is too early to develop the IPR securitization in the initial stage of asset securitization in Taiwan. But, according to the successful experience of USA and the eagerness to develop IPR securitization of Japan, we suggest our government shall consider it seriously and construct fundamental legal structure and other supporting functions to help our IPR owners to extract more value from their IP assets. If the new financial product can be successfully developed, it can do a lot of good to Taiwan financial market. Therefore, we set forth twelve opinions of smoothly developing IPR securitization in Taiwan. IPR owners should1. Practice good IP management to create IPRs with good quality.2. Manage licensing agreements and design favorable payment terms.3. Arrange in advance the liquidation of IPR.4. Use credit tranching to meet the different investment needs of investors.5. Retain an IP professional service provider to serve as servicer to lessen the insolvency risk.Our government should1. Increase qualified asset classes of Financial Asset Securitization Act to include IPRs.2. Recognize the transference of executory future cash flow to promote secured transaction and IPR securitization of that kind.3. Amend true sale safe harbor and licensee’s right to retain the use of IPR licensed in Bankruptcy Act.4. Revise the regulation of registration in IPR secured transaction such as addition of the requirement of registration in copyright transaction.5. Establish the order of IP valuation market to elevate the credibility of valuation results. 6. Set up the function of credit guarantee in IPR securitization.7. Build up the electronic data base of asset securitization including IPR securitization.
起訖頁 1-244
關鍵詞 智慧財產權資產證券化智慧財產權證券化真實買賣智慧財產權擔保權益授權契約權利金智財管理智財權正當查核金融資產證券化條例Bowie BondsBioPharma Royalty TrustGuess? Inc.Intellectual Property RightsAsset SecuritizationSecuritization of Intellectual Property RightsTrue SaleSecurity Interest of Intellectual Property Rightsroyalty interestIntellectual Property ManagementIntellectual Property Due DiligenceFinancial Asset Securitization Act
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 政治大學 
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該期刊-下一篇 清乾隆時期刑科題本之研究—以調姦本婦未成致本婦羞忿自盡類型案例為例




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