英文摘要 |
Fixed position and conception of the “Excuse” in criminal system are not thorou-ghly, carefully researched in Taiwan, so “Excuse” is the theme of this study. In addit-ion to explore the basis for “Excuse”, this study also analyses the situation about “themistake of Excuse.” In order to limit the range of discuss, this study chooses one of the Excuse—Necessity—to be the main theme, and differentiate between Necessity andSelf-defense additionally.In Chapter One, introduces the motivation, the purpose, the method of this study.In Chapter Two, will briefly introduce the “Negative Subject” in prevailing opini-on, here are the ground of legal justification, precluding culpability, exculpation and soon.In Chapter Three, will focus on Excuse. From the basis of substantial reproach a-bout the guilt, deeply into the nature and position of Excuse.In Chapter Four, introduces the subject of Necessity. This study will spend large scale discussing with the elements of Necessity, which to be a ground of legal justify-cation, or a ground of exculpation.In Chapter Five, introduces the “Mistake Theory”, by the questions: Which plane does the mistake happen? What object does the mistake connect with? Is the mistake in favor of perpetrator? we can recompose the system of “Mistake Theory.”In Chapter Six, the discussing barycentre will move to the Mistake of exculpation.This Mistake can divide into two groups: the Mistake of exculpation about fact or ab-out law. This study will fallow the grouping and analyze them.In Chapter Seven, there are my fruitful results and conclusion. |