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Rethinking about Due Process of Law for Environmental Impact Assessment and Its Judicial Review
作者 胡孟婷
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:106年 指導教授:許登科 近年來我國的重大開發案件引發了對於環境影響評估法制的檢討聲浪。環保署於2016年並著手進行對於環境影響評估法及其相關子法的檢討修正。益證環評制度於我國已面臨整體革新、形塑的十字路口。加以新近大法官釋字709號及739號解釋針對民辦都更及自辦市地重劃中私人所開啟、主導與規劃之私程序亦須符合憲法要求之正當行政程序,闡述出正當程序法理續造之觀點,引發吾人對環評程序正當程序適用上之再思考。本文即以此為出發,探討環評正當程序之外,針對私人開發單位主導進行之私程序於環評法制中應有之程序規範為分析探討。並透過正當程序於我國法上之一貫性、體系性解釋脈絡,對憲法以至行政法總論及行政法各論中之環評法,為整合性理解與解釋適用,並提供司法者法解釋與適用建議。關於法院對於環境影響評估整體程序及審查結論之司法審查密度,由於環評事項涉及複雜利益之評估考量與風險不確定性,司法者應觀照各相關制度及立法背景脈絡等因素,並建立適切之審查模式。 以下,本文首先於第二章對正當程序於我國之發展脈絡及內涵為介紹,並從釋字709號及739號解釋意旨對正當程序法理之續造觀點,反思傳統上行政機關之正當行政程序。進而歸納出憲法要求之正當行政程序在規範私程序時,應有之整合性理解與適用。其次,確立私程序應有之正當程序規範模式後,於第三章則分析環評之私程序特徵及特殊考量面向,從私人開發單位程序進行及主管機關程序進行部分分別論述,除透過行政程序法基準指引功能為最切合環評法目的與事物特性之解釋適用與分析外,並從憲法到行政法總論及各論之整體行政法制分析觀點,提供另一切入視角,嘗試完整、無漏洞地對環評正當程序為內涵建構。最後,程序法制之建立,尚待司法審查為合法性之整體控制。在第四章,則先探討司法機關之本質與定位,了解影響司法審查密度之政治失靈及保護長遠價值因素;再者,並完整分析歸納環評制度本身具有特性與立法背景功能,指出法院對環評之審查,應切合環評本身具有之評估性預測決定性質,或者說同時具有利益衡量及不確定法律概念適用之特性,並獨立建構出特有之司法審查模式。才得以符合環評制度先天具有綜合衡量不只自然環境,尚包含社會、經濟、文化等多層面利益因素之特性。綜上所述,本文欲針對環評事前把關之正當程序控制以至事後救濟之司法審查為連貫性探討,使環評之整體制度得貫徹憲法不中斷之付託,形構完整憲政秩序,以促進民主法治更臻進步。
In recent years, several controversial cases on environmental development have given rise to the reviewing of the legal system for the EIA. It can be said that the whole EIA system is facing its turning point for renovation. In addition, according to Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 709 and 739, the process participated by the private among the private-participated urban renewal and the urban reconsolidation and implementation by the private sector should both adhere to the requirement of constitutional due process in administrative procedures. The Justices create Private Due Process for jurisprudence of Due Process, providing another path for analyzing the Due Process of Law for the EIA. Therefore, the study is going to applying the different view rethinking about the Due Process for EIA by focusing on the proceeding led by the private entity. Meanwhile, by comprehensively concluding the legal basis, and development background of Due Process in Taiwan, we can realize more correctly and precisely the true idea of the constitution embedded both in general and special administrative law. Besides, in order to form the non-stop and continual binding force derived from the constitution, the appropriate aspect for interpreting the EIA regulations also helps offering the courts suggestions on legal application. In judicial reviewing, the courts should take all relative factors into consideration so as to construct an unique and proper standard for judicial review of the EIA.
起訖頁 1-213
關鍵詞 環境影響評估正當程序私程序司法審查審查密度Environmental Impact AssessmentDue Process of LawPrivate Due ProcessJudicial ReviewStandard of Judicial Review
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 成功大學 
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該期刊-下一篇 由代孕者身體自主權論我國代孕生殖草案相關條文




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