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The Protection of Family Caregivers’ Economic Security in Old Age
作者 曾偉倫
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:102年 指導教授:蔡維音 本文以家庭照顧者老年經濟安全保障為研究對象,並以與老年經濟安全最相關的社會保險年金制度為研究中心。家庭照顧者在法學上並非常使用的名詞,且亦無統一的定義,故有先說明的必要。本文所稱之家庭照顧者,係指家庭中承擔照顧任務,且屬同一家計單成的成員。其最典型的例子即為家庭主婦。其為一群存在於家庭與社會已久的群體,惟長久以來其老年經濟安全並未被加以重視,因此本文將主要分成以下三部分,除釐清家庭照顧者老年經濟安全需求的原因外,將尋求憲法上的要求,以檢視目前年金制度,或作為建構新的法制度的標準:一、以衍生依賴關係的形成,詮釋家庭照顧者的依賴處境與對老年經濟安全的需求,保障模式則採取以家務勞動建立獨立法律上保障地位方式,並提出目前年金制度的保護不足之處。二、提出憲法上檢視保障家庭照顧者老年經濟安全法制度的標準,主要包括基本權利與社會國原則兩部分。基本權利部分,涉及生存權、財產權、婚姻與家庭基本權及平等權,由個別基本權的保護領域及基本權功能,探討如何作用於建構或檢討法制度內容。社會國原則以社會安全與社會正義為內容,指示各種法制度制定的方向與融入其價值。本文另將提出基本權利與社會國原則如何互動,以共同作為保障家庭照顧者老年經濟安全法制度的憲法指導原則。三、提出本文對保障家庭照顧者老年經濟安全相關法制度的建議,區分成建構新的法制度評估與檢討現行年金制度兩大部分:前者主要包括未來以民法保障的可能性評估及建構離婚年金權利分配制的建議,後者則係對育嬰假的檢討、國民年金中配偶繳費連帶責任的合憲性、探討遺屬給付權利性質與對無謀生能力要件的解釋。
This paper focuses on the protection of family caregivers’ economic security in old age, especially the most relevant legal system of the pension benefits in social insurance. Family caregivers have existed in family and society for a long time, but the protections of their economic security in old age are ignored in Taiwan’s legal system. To explaining why family caregivers have the needs of economic security in old age and check with the constitutional standards whether the pension benefits in social insurance is enough to protect their economic security in old age, this paper will divide in three paragraphs to solve this problem. First, we will use derivative dependency to explain the economical dependant situation of family caregivers and the needs of economic security in old age. And the protection model we choose is to transform the value of the dependency work into constructing a legal position of protecting economic security in old age. Second, we will try to find the constitutional standards of checking and constructing the legal system of protecting economic security in old age. In this part, the human right like the right of survival, property, marriage and family, and the protection of equality plays an important law, especially when it combines with the principle of social state. We will explain how they cooperate or conflict with each other. Third, we will make some suggestions on the protection of family caregivers’ economic security in old age. There are two different parts in this paragraph. One is for the constructions of new legal systems, like evaluating the probability of protecting economic security in old age in Civil Code and putting the right of old-age pension benefits into the system of distribution or the reminder of the property when divorce. Anothe is for reversing the current legal system of the pension benefits to meet the protection model we choose.
起訖頁 1-174
關鍵詞 家庭照顧者老年經濟安全年金制度衍生依賴關係婚姻與家庭基本權社會國原則離婚年金權利分配老年給付遺屬給付Family CaregiverEconomic Security in Old AgeSystem of the PensionDerivative DependencyRight of Marriage and Familythe Principle of Social StateVersorgungsausgleichOld-Age Pension BenefitsSurvivor Pension Benefits
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 成功大學 
該期刊-上一篇 量刑理論之研究
該期刊-下一篇 以臨床醫師的角度探討醫療紛爭解決機制




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