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Rethinking Standard of Care in Civil Litigations of Medical Malpractice: An Analysis of Article 82 of the Medical Care Act Amended in 2017
作者 廖煜堯 (Yu-Yao Liao)
系所名稱:科技法律研究所 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:108年 指導教授:陳鋕雄 醫療民事責任之過失認定標準在醫、法兩界爭執已久,有出於對醫療專業之尊重,認為以醫療常規作為過失有無之認定依據並無不妥;亦有認為應當尊重每位病患之臨床差異,並認為不存在著所謂的醫療常規。然而我國司法實務確實有接受醫療常規之傾向,這樣的傾向至2017年時似乎有了些變化。2017年最高法院接連作成兩則民事判決,強調符合醫療水準方能謂醫師已盡善良管理人之注意義務,並臚列判斷有無過失時應綜合研判之因素。同年底醫療法新修正第82條,該條第2項將原條文「過失」之用語,更易為「醫療上必要之注意與合理臨床專業裁量」,其判斷因素則係將最高法院前揭見解明文入法並列於同條第4項,有學者遂稱本次修法係理性醫師標準之明文化。
Medical dispute is an arduous problem without consistent opinions or absolutelyvalid answer. In fact, as medical technology progressing, patients’conscious of theirrights are also been wakened, and growing number of lawsuit of medical negligencedoes not only effect on medical practice, but also undermine the trust betweenpatients and their doctors. Because of increasing medical lawsuits, medical system inTaiwan now is facing the difficult of workforce deficit. According to the resultsof survey, the major approaches to solve this problem is by raising wages, improvingworking conditions and reducing litigations. However, medical science involves agreat deal of uncertainty and medical practice often has various kinds of risks. Due toexisting a professional gap between patients and doctors, so the content of negligentliability is also the key point of medical disputes.
起訖頁 1-111
關鍵詞 醫療過失注意義務醫療常規醫療水準理性醫師medical malpracticestandard of caremedical custommedical levelreason physician
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 交通大學 
該期刊-上一篇 建構公司刑事責任之繼受法制──美國法與我國案例之啟示
該期刊-下一篇 台灣健保詐欺量刑標準之實證研究




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