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Study on Act Preservation of Contract Litigation
作者 何幸
系所名稱:法學院 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:106年 指導教授:肖建華 行為保全制度作為保障當事人訴訟權利的重要制度於2013年開始在我國普通民事訴訟司法實踐中得到應用,在我國民商事案件數量快速增長的大環境下,合同訴訟在適用行為保全制度時尤為突出,因而通過研究合同訴訟適用行為保全制度過程中的主要問題,對於整個行為保全制度與司法實踐的同步化有著重要的指導意義。本文在理論上明確了合同訴訟行為保全不同於其他訴訟的典型特徵及其實體法基礎,並通過實例數據分析的形式,對行為保全案件案由類型分佈、行為保全案件適用不同年份的發展趨勢、行為保全案件請求結果、合同訴訟中行為保全案件類型分佈以及合同訴訟中行為保全案件適用方式等情況進行了分析,在明確司法實踐中合同訴訟行為保全適用情況的基礎上,對具體案例中存在的細節問題結合相關學術理論進行了總結,概括出了在程序啟動、保全方式及裁判文書使用、“行為保全”概念辨析、擔保與反擔保以及保全錯誤責任承擔等方面存在的問題,並結合域外可參考的經驗及我國的現狀分別針對上述問題提出了需要明確的關鍵點及完善建議與方式,以實現從具體的合同訴訟行為保全制度的構建出發,為整個行為保全制度的細化提供具有普適意義的參考建議的目標。
As an important system to protect the rights of litigants, the act preservation system has been applied in the judicial practice of civil litigation in our country in 2013.With the rapid growth of the number of civil and commercial cases in our country, contract litigation is particularly prominent in the application of the act preservation system .So, it is of great significance for the synchronization of the whole act preservation system and the judicial practice by studying the main problems in the process of the application of contract litigation. This article clearly defines the typical characteristics and the substantive law foundation of the contract litigation act preservation, in the same time, the article analyses some cases to get the situation of the act preservation system including the act preservation case type distribution, the development trend of the application of behavior preservation cases in different years, the result of the act preservation case, the types of behavior in the contract litigation act preservation and the mode of application of the contract litigation act preservation. And then, on the base of the application of the contract litigation act preservation, this paper summarizes the problems existing in the process of starting the program, the mode of preservation, the use of the judgment documents, the concept of act preservation, the guarantee and counter guarantee, and the bearing of the false responsibility for the preservation. To resolve the problems, we combine the experience of foreign countries with the status quo of China together to provide some suggestions, in order to realize the construction of the system of contract litigation act preservation and provide a general reference for the refinement of the act preservation system.
起訖頁 1-51
關鍵詞 行為保全合同訴訟完善要點Act PreservationContract LitigationPerfect Points
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 北京航空航天大學 




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