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A Practical legal study on the Investigation of Online Child Sexual Exploitation:with Special Reference to the Detecting tools
作者 何岱榮
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:106年 指導教授:高玉泉 有句話說:「兒童是國家未來的主人翁。」兒童是國家發展的動能,且攸關著國家的未來,因此,為兒童營造一個健康、快樂與希望的成長環境,乃是國家責無旁貸的任務。然而,在資訊爆炸的年代,網際網路的影響力,對兒童的身心成長已越來越深。兒童雖然能夠藉由網際網路獲取各式各樣的知識與訊息,但是在此同時,也可能淪為網路兒少性剝削犯罪者覬覦的獵物。本文主要探討我國在偵查網路兒少性剝削犯罪時所牽涉的法律規範,以及執法單位偵查時所使用的科技工具與面臨的困境,並探討有關於網路兒少性剝削犯罪議題的國際規制與國際組織,以檢視與提出我國兒童及少年性剝削防制條例與實務打擊網路兒少性剝削犯罪不足之處的建議。
According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of the Republic of China, the State has the responsibility to build a sound and healthy, environment for the children. Nevertheless, the rise of the internet in the 1990s has brought about a threat to the development of child. The Internet allows everyone, including minors, to retrieve all kinds of information and communicate with the outside world. Crimes against children, especially by the paedophilia, have become an epidemic. To combat the offenders, the State utilizes different tools in the process ofinvestigation. This thesis is an attempt to study the nature and functions of these tools. Focus is also placed on the analysis of the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act of Taiwan which provides the legal basis for punishing the offenders. It is concluded that there are rooms for improvement in both the legislation as well as the law enforcement. International cooperation is the key to the success of fighting online child sexual exploitation.
起訖頁 1-151
關鍵詞 戀童症網際網路偵查工具兒少保護兒童及少年性剝削防制條例Child protectionChild and Youth Sexual Exploitation PreventionActDetecting toolsInternetpedophile.
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中興大學 
該期刊-上一篇 植物相關發明保護之研究
該期刊-下一篇 植物相關發明保護之研究




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