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Six Myths about Regulation on Abuse of Relative Dominance
作者 黃銘傑
This article starts from the misuse of norms by Taiwan's competition law academics and enforcers against relative dominant position. Some commentators use terms such as relative market advantages, others call it relative transaction advantages. While these two type of advantages imply totally different regulatory subjects, the term“relative dominant position”causes a lot of confusion. The confusion further causes six following normative myths: (1) Abuse of norms by relative superiority that does not presuppose the existence of market power can be used as a supplementary regulation for restrictive competition; (2) Fair trade act does not have a relative market advantage abuse regulation equivalent to the German law on the prevention of competition restriction; (3) the relative advantage abuse regulation can also be applied to information asymmetry or information incompleteness problems; (4) The relative dominance abuse norms can also be applied to the transaction relationship between businesses and end consumers; (5) The establishment of relative dominance abuse is presupposed on“likelihood to affect transaction order”; (6) The relative dominant position abuse criterion is an independent existence and different from the monopoly position abuse criterion. This article believes that not only under the correct understanding of market definition, there is still room to question the existence of“relative market dominance”. It is also doubtful that Taiwan needs relative market dominance norms under current Fair Trade Act's regulatory framework.
起訖頁 209-259
關鍵詞 公平交易法市場不法市場力行為不法相對市場優勢地位相對交易優勢地位相對優勢地位濫用垂直交易限制限制競爭之虞獨占地位Fair Trade ActIllegal by EffectsMarket PowerIllegal by BehaviorRelative Market AdvantageRelative Trading AdvantageAbuse of Relative DominanceVertical Restraints of TradeLikelihood of Restraining CompetitionMonopolistic Positions
刊名 國立臺灣大學法學論叢  
期數 202203 (51:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 論繼承人之債權人撤銷拋棄繼承及撤銷遺產分割協議




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