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Financial Feasibility Evaluation of Tourist Hotel Ownership in Penghu: Operating by Independent or Franchised Tourist Hotel
作者 王媛慧黃美珠蔡玉琴張道亞
Although the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the business in recent two years, looking back at the period from 2009 to 2019, the rate of domestic travel has increased by 72.75%. Simultaneously, the revenue of tourism had also increased by 93.62%. This surge of tourism was not limited to the Taiwan main island; international chained-branded hotels have also established branches in Penghu and the increase of visitors brought about the need of accommodation. This is an indicative significance. Thus, this research discusses the different types of hotel ownership, also analyses the financial possibilities for hotels in offshore islands. The research results show that without considering the time value of money, the PP of independent hotels and franchised hotels are greater than 20 years and 10.76 years, respectively. It cannot create value for shareholders by operating independent hotels, but the investors of franchised hotels can recover the initial investment after 16.61 years. If discounting approaches are taken into consideration, the IRR of independently operated and franchised hotels are -1.65% and 2.14% respectively, and franchised hotels exceed the required rate of return of 2.00 %; NPV of independently operated and franchised hotels are -158,667 and 6,895 thousand dollars. The results show that franchised hotel can be invested. That is, this plan not only meets the investors' expected returns, but also creates a residual rate of return, so the plan is regarded as a feasible investment plan. In addition, this study takes risk factors into consideration and uses sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of the increase or decrease in operating revenue on the case under different business cycles.
起訖頁 369-392
關鍵詞 離島觀光旅館旅館經營型態財務可行性評估特許加盟tourist hotel in offshore islandshotel ownershipfinancial feasibility evaluationfranchise
刊名 觀光休閒學報  
期數 202112 (27:3期)
出版單位 中華觀光管理學會
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