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A Study on the Beitou Ecomuseum of Sustainable Tourism
作者 黃淑芬蔡嘉萱
"Tourism in post-COVID transformations focuses on safe, sustainable, and ecologically responsible tourism behavior. Community tourism, combined with local cultural resources, can enhance the image of local tourism, become a major attraction, and also promote economic development. This study explores whether the classic town in Taiwan's Beitou community roaming can promote the sustainable tourism of Beitou Living Environment Museum. The research scope is not only limited to community cultural resources such as Beitou Hot Spring Museum, but also involves the natural ecological environment, such as Yangmingshan National Park- the first urban quiet parks in the word. In this study, visitors from Beitou Living Environment Museum collected 332 valid questionnaires and selected two NPO representatives for in-depth interviews. Uses the literatures, triangulation of qualitative and quantitative intersect to research. Research conclusions are: for different characteristics of tourists, tourists' answers to questions about sustainable tourism in Beitou living environment Museum have reached above the standard value, and the satisfaction and loyalty to Beitou are high. Tourists can stay away from the busy city at any time without looking far away. The tourism characteristics of pursuing authenticity and sustainability echo the complex social relations behind sightseeing gaze. In addition to the consumption of local and space, it will also involve the economic and social issues of public-private cooperation to successfully preserve Beitou cultural relics and maintain the ecological environment. It is suggested to integrate across departments in order to give full play to social responsibility, internally strengthen community identity and cohesion, combine local characteristics and cultural customs, to produce an ecological environment museum without walls in Beitou. Spread the new healing message of ''therapy and bath Beitou - Living Environment Museum'' for sustainable tourism to create a better future."
起訖頁 43-68
關鍵詞 永續觀光生態博物館北投溫泉博物館北投生活環境博物園區Sustainable TourismEcological MuseumBeitou Hot Spring MuseumBeitou Living Environment Museum
刊名 觀光旅遊研究學刊  
期數 202112 (16:2期)
出版單位 銘傳大學觀光學院
該期刊-上一篇 網購烘焙產品之產品屬性、知覺價值及消費者行為之研究
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