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"Food, Dream, and Writing in Wynnere and Wastoure"
"Food, Dream, and Writing in Wynnere and Wastoure"
作者 Liu Jin
"Wynnere and Wastoure is one of the earliest dream poems in medieval English literature. The poem, mainly a debate between allegorical figures Winner and Waster, is generally held to be a topical satire on the English King Edward III and the economic policies of his court. By looking closely at the poem's feasting scenes and multilayered dream narrative, this article argues that the poet is more concerned with maintaining his own position at the court as a professional ''maker of myrthes'' than criticizing the extravagant lifestyle of the nobles. The detailed descriptions of the king's drinking party and Waster's banquet, as well as of the tournament-like pageantry and the heraldry blazoning, suggest the circumstances in which the poet presents his work and implies his dependence on courtly patronage. Subtly hidden across the complicated narrative framework and between the lines is the poet's desire not to be excluded from the king's court and favor as well as his confidence in his poetic creation, or rather, his oral performance, hence his worthiness at the court."
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 Wynnere and Wastoureminstrelfooddreamoral performance
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 202112 (46期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 God and Human Beings in the Technologically-Mediated Living Condition: Philip K. Dick's Literary Theology in the VALIS Trilogy




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