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The Coherence of A Literary Work-From the Perspective of the “Multiple, Binary and Unitary (zero)” Spiral Structure |
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陳滿銘 |
中文摘要 |
一篇辭章是由「意」(情、理)與「象」(事、物﹝景﹞)融鑄而成的。其中不僅「意」與「象」本身形成「二元對待」,即「意」與「意」或「象」與「象」之間,也形成「二元對待」。就在這「二元」之間,往往是要加以聯貫的,而其整體(即全篇之情、理與事、物﹝景﹞),更要藉「層次邏輯系統」或「多」、「二」、「一(0)」螺旋結構,以形成其嚴密組織。以此切入探討辭章聯貫,約可分為兩種類型:一是有形的,用詞、句、節、段作上下意象之接榫,稱基本聯貫;一是無形的,藉個別意象作為局部之呼應,或以邏輯逐層形成整體之結構,稱藝術聯貫。辭章有此無形與有形之兩大聯貫類型,自然能將個別意象串聯成整體意象,以有效凸顯一篇之主旨、風格或美感。 |
英文摘要 |
A literary work consists of four elements: sentiment, reason, object (view) and matter. Sentiment and reason infer “concept”, and view as well as matter infer “form”. There exists a dualism between and within concepts and forms. And such a dualism needs to cohere all of the elements to form a rigid organization, by means of a “gradation logic system” or a “multiple, binary and unitary (zero) spiral structure”. There are two types of coherence in a literary work. One is visible; i.e. the arrangement of wording, sentences and paragraphs that links up concepts and forms. The other is invisible; i.e. the respondence to a specific image and the gradation of logic to integrate a whole structure. These types of coherences could highlight the motif, style and esthetics of a literary work. |
起訖頁 |
29-56 |
關鍵詞 |
辭章、「『多』、『二』、『一(0)』」螺旋結構、意象、詞彙、文法、修辭、章法、主旨、風格、literary works、the “multiple, binary, and unitary (zero)” spiral structure、image、vocabulary、grammar、rhetoric、the organization of writing、theme、style |
刊名 |
師大學報:語言與文學類 |
期數 |
201003 (55:1期) |
出版單位 |
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