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The study on Freedom of Occupation--In terms of Judicial Interpretation No.711、749
作者 許淑媛
Pharmacists shall practice at only one location by article 11 of Pharmacists Act before amending the law. Justice of the Constitutional Court held this article infringes the right of pharmacists’ freedom of Occupation without reasonable exceptions by Interpretation No.711. Pharmacists with specialized knowledge and skills to check physicians’ prescriptions in order to dispense and provide the correct information on drug counseling, pharmaceutical care and other services to patients. For the purpose of the legislation in this article is with to prevent illegally using license and make pharmacists’ full-time work at one location to ensure the separation of dispensing practice from medicine practice(SPMP) and safety of drug use. Therefore, this article starts with the protection of professional rights and legal liability for pharmacists, followed by discussions on freedom of occupation. The discussion will then be further developed into the principle of proportionality, the principle of equality and Three-level theory. In order to prevent illegally using license and make pharmacists’ full-time work at one location to ensure the separation of dispensing practice from medicine practice(SPMP) and safety of drug use is discussed. Furthermore, this article brings forward the principles for setting specific regulations, aiming to serve as references for pharmacists for their law amendment proposals and fight for their interests in the future."
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 職業自由比例原則平等原則freedom of occupation、the principle of proportionality、the principle of equality
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202108 (2021:8期)
該期刊-上一篇 請領遺屬年金之初探──以釋字第766號解釋為中心
該期刊-下一篇 沿波溯源作業基金會計採應計基礎之緣




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