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作者 許淑媛
"疫情燃燒與爆發,臺灣房地產租賃交易金額動輒數十萬,有些人窮盡一生積蓄,僅為一圓成家之夢,以租賃契約為例,對於消費者經濟負擔相較於成屋買賣,能降低許多經濟壓力,然而預售屋交易之標的,並非實體,消費者只能透過廣告、售屋人員解說、樣品屋等意象,勾勒出將來實體的房屋,出租人與承租人之間履約期間至交屋,皆有可能產生法律糾紛,出租人能否以疫情期間終止契約等,有違債之本旨,有違契約,本文將不停繞著這軸心一直打轉,出租人究竟有無終止契約權,或者是中國法下所論契約等責任。As the COVID-19 has been spread out and caused a lot of death, it’s time to adjust the commercial lease agreements, a lot of people spend much money for leasing a house or shop, since the real estate transactions mostly cost more than several thousand NT dollars for a time. Some even pay all their entire savings for leasing “a shop” during their lifetime. Taking the commercial leasing agreement as an example, the lessee would possibly think that the termination right of the contract. The research will focus on the issues of whether the termination right of contact should regard with the legal liability when the l lessee asserts the disease has been against the commercial contract."
起訖頁 1-5
關鍵詞 租賃契約書終止權契約責任Leasing agreementdetermination rightand legal liability of the contract
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202103 (2021:3期)
該期刊-上一篇 財報不實民事損害賠償額計算之研究
該期刊-下一篇 論人工智慧輔助新冠狀病毒防治之法律議題初探──以推力方式進行管制研究為中心




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