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The Theory and Practice of Human Rights and law-related Education
作者 許育典
"事實上,不論是人權教育或法治教育,其目的都在落實基本人權的保障,只是人權教育在養成對基本人權的認知,而法治教育則經由以人為目的的實質法治文化奠基,更進一步培養行使權利的感情。因此,人權與法治教育有其體系性的一貫,建立體系的理論基礎就在法治國的憲法基礎上。法治國原則,作為當代立憲主義國家的共同價值,唯有透過人權與法治教育的實施,才有可能使其真正永續紮根於民,而落實基本人權的保障。然而,法治國原則內涵在我國的偏差,其實也體現在人權與法治教育的實踐上。在台灣的學校教育中,所謂的法治,只強調人民應知法守法,忽略國家須守法以保障人權的前提。從而,未來公民也失去監督國家公權力的能力。政府失去未來公民外部的監督,只會逐漸走向權力的濫用與腐敗,台灣也無法成為真正的法治國家,人權的保障可能只是口號。The key to render contemporary constitutional countries dedicated to the principle of rule of law actually lies in educating their people about human rights and the law, which simply put, is the only way rule of law can be permanently feasible. Yet a look at Taiwan’s human rights and law-related education also discloses that the principle of rule of law has not been properly put into practice. The schools in Taiwan only emphasize the importance of being a law-abiding citizen—students are told to have respect for the law and learn by memorizing the details of the law—but purposefully overlook planting in students’ minds the idea of human rights. Worse still, future citizens won’t be able to keep monitoring their government, since they are never taught about what is appropriate and inappropriate in terms of the law itself. Such loss of counterbalance will only exacerbate the abuse of power and corruption of an authority, and it will be practically impossible for Taiwan to implement human rights, not to mention to grow into a nation ruled by law."
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 人權人權教育法治教育法治國家公民社會human rights human rights education law-related education a rule of law nation civil society
刊名 作者授權  
期數 201312 (2013:12期)
該期刊-上一篇 人權與法治教育作為友善校園的建構
該期刊-下一篇 社區大學作為高等教育改革的反省




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