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The Discussion on Five Characters in“ShìBěn”by Their First Names & Courtesy Names
作者 黃勝松
"Wáng, Yǐn-zhī(1766-1834), the author of“Chūn QiūMíng ZìJiěGǔ”(The Explanations to the First Names & Courtesy Names in the Spring and Autumn Period) in Qīng dynasty. He classified the relationship between first names and courtesy names to characters by categorizing the pronunciations of Chinese characters, deciphering the meaning of ancient Chinese characters, analyzing the grammar and rhetoric in“Spring and Autumn Annals”.“ShìBěn”, as a historical source for the genealogy of ancient emperors and even vassals, qīngs and dà-fūs before Qín dynasty, was also a reference to“Chūn QiūMíng ZìJiěGǔ”. Five of the characters were taken from it. According to“Chūn QiūMíng ZìJiěGǔ”, this article discusses the first names and courtesy names of five characters in“ShìBěn”by categorizing the pronunciations, deciphering the meanings and analyzing the grammar and rhetoric. They are Gōng-zǐShù(the prince of Sòng State) whose courtesy name is“Yuè-fǔ”; HuáJiā’s (from Sòng State) is“Shì-zi”; Dà-fū(the senior official of Sòng State) Kǒng, Jīn-fù’s is“Zi-mù”; Gōng-zǐ(the prince of Chén State) Chǔ’s is“Zi-sòng”; and (the prince of QíState) Jiǎo’s is“Zi-yuān”. This article also analyzes synonymous relationship between first names and courtesy names of these five characters, such as Gōng-zǐShùand Gōng-zǐJiǎo; however, it is an association in similar meaning for example HuáJiā, Kǒng, Jīn-fù, and Gōng-zǐChǔ."
起訖頁 501-534
關鍵詞 《世本》《左傳》人物ShìBěnZuo Zhuancharactersfirst namecourtesy name
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 202109 (30期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 萬物有靈亦有情:論遲子建1980年代的抒情小說
該期刊-下一篇 魏晉南北朝「地理書」、「地記」文獻與後世方志形成的關係




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