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"The concealment of allegory and the distinctiveness of anthology, revealing the connotation of Ouyang Xiu's poem Menghu"
作者 呂梅
"Discussing the relationship between party struggle and poetry, most of the predecessors focused on the rise and fall of the poets' official career and the change of their mood, the variation of their poetic style and how to make their self-arrangement through poetry. However, Ouyang Xiu, a scholar-official in the Northern Song Dynasty who was fond of ''discussing and disputing the resplendence'', displayed more abundant poetic styles and functions. Menghu is one of the representatives. He used the metaphorical image of ''Meng Hu''(the fierce tiger) to allude to the hostile party in Jingyou's party struggle. However, the poetry was too subtle, thus readers had to investigate other poems in his anthology and his friend Mei Yaochen's poems on the same topic, as well as the historical background in order to interpret the text. This hidden meaning contrasted with the location of the poem, for the latter broke the chronological order and was deliberately placed at the head of the collection. Uncovering the hidden language code of the poem, we can see the subtle mentality and caution of the Ouyang Xiu when he wrote party struggle in poetry. Besides, people in the party utilized poetry to fight for the right to speak,influence public opinion, and the narration of the relevant historical facts. This also showed that Ouyang Xiu, who was good at employing sublime words with deep meaning, applied implicit and meaningful writing not only to essays, but also to poetry."
起訖頁 109-144
關鍵詞 歐陽修猛虎黨爭諷喻文集Ouyang XiuMenghuallegoryanthologypartisan wrangle
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202106 (32期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「龍」字異體字考




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